Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Slams Trump: The President Is a Total Disaster!

As you"ve no doubt heard by now, Donald Trump stunned the world yesterday when he defended the actions of the white supremacist hate groups that engaged in violent protests and deadly acts of terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

Most public figures have condemned the president"s words, but shockingly, several say they"re still in his corner.

We think it"s safe to say Jimmy Kimmel is squarely in the former camp.

After joking that he would rather have Game of Thrones despot Cersei Lannister in charge of the country, Kimmel informed the crowd that what was supposed to be a press conference about infrastructure quickly turned into Trump offering "an impassioned defense of white supremacy."

"It would be like if your book club meeting turned into a cockfight," Kimmel told his audience.

Kimmel remains a comedian first and foremost, but he"s clearly concerned by Trump"s latest actions, and he addressed them in a more serious tone than we"re accustomed to seeing from the late night host.

"The president is completely unhinged," Kimmel said.

"The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling toward the moon right now."

Kimmel made an attempt to understand the mindset of Trump voters, saying:

"You didn’t want business as usual — nothing ever seems to get done, it’s always the same, these candidates make a lot of promises that go nowhere. It happens over and over again… and you’re sick of it."

He added:

“And then this guy shows up riding down a golden escalator — he’s not a part of the political establishment; in fact, he’s the opposite of that… Let’s roll the dice. Let him get in there and run the country like a business.”

The host then rattled off a list of Trump"s most egregious policies and errors (the Muslim ban, "playing chicken with Kim Jong Un," etc.) before informing the president"s supporters that they chose "the wrong guy."

Kimmel"s not the first late night host to bash Trump this week, but his take-down is a doozy,

Check out below:

Jimmy kimmel slams trump the president is a total disaster