Friday, August 18, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Chris Lopez FINALLY Breaks His Silence on Their New Baby!

Things have really been looking up for Kailyn Lowry lately!

But then again, it wasn’t really possible for things to look worse for her, at least there for a while.

Ever since she announced her pregnancy at the beginning of this year, Kailyn became the Teen Mom to hate — and she got so much hate.

The dates are a little muddled, but there’s a good chance she was impregnated by Chris Lopez while she was still legally married to Javi Marroquin.

On top of that, many people judged her because one of the rumored reasons she split with Javi was because she didn’t want more kids with him, only to get pregnant with someone else so soon after their breakup.

And on top of that, there was still a lot of leftover hate for her because of how cold she was to Javi while he was deployed, and because of the rumors that she cheated on him during that time, too.

Rumors that she later confirmed.

Then, we learned about her pregnancy, we learned that her relationship with the baby’s father wasn’t exactly stable — for a while, it was actually nonexistent.

For that, she was slammed for being a “bad mother,” for bringing a new baby into so much chaos, and for exposing her other children to it, too.

Toss in her third trimester trips to Zika-riddled locales, her continued drama with Chris and Javi … it’s been nothing but bad times for her for so long …

Until now!

After Kailyn gave birth to her third child — another boy! — earlier this month, the criticism has subsided a little bit, because how are you going to be shady when there’s such a cute baby in the picture?

It’s also been nice to see the baby’s father in the picture, especially considering how long we’d been hearing that he’d abandoned not only Kailyn, but also the idea of being a dad.

We know that Chris was there for the arrival of precious little Baby Lo — Kailyn has said that he was the only one in the delivery room with her.

He also escorted them home from the hospital.

In a recent interview, she said that “he has been as supportive as he can,” and that “he does the best to his ability even though it doesn’t necessarily meet the standards of what everyone else expects of him.”

It still doesn’t sound like a great situation — “as supportive as he can” and “the best to his ability” sound a little lackluster for the monumental task of raising a child.

But Chris has just made his very first public statement about Baby Lo.

And there may be hope for these crazy kids yet.

“My lil man put a smile on my face every time I look at him lol,” he recently tweeted.

Adorable, right? If we weren’t aware of all the nonsense surrounding these people, it would sound like a tweet from your average proud new dad.

And from where things started with Chris, it’s a humongous step in the right direction.
