Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Slammed By Fans For Molly Roloff Wedding Pics!

Over the weekend, Molly Roloff married Joel Silvius in a ceremony at her family’s farm in Oregon.

The wedding was described as “intimate” and relatively small, though naturally there were many Roloffs in attendance.

Among them was Audrey Roloff, who’s currently pregnant with her first child.

On the day of the wedding, Audrey kept off social media, presumably so as not to steal the bride’s spotlight.

The next day, however, she posted the above photo of herself with husband Jeremy Roloff.

Audrey penned a heartfelt caption for the pic, writing:

“Molly is married!!!! Yesterday I got to stand behind my sister-in-law while she exchanged the most beautiful vows and said ‘I do."”

She added:

“Congrats @mollyjoroloff you and Joel have such a solid foundation and and Jeremy and I cannot wait to watch you both live out “I do” for the rest of your lives. Cheers oneness! #beating50percent #stayingido”

Seems innocent enough, but believe it or not, many fans took issue with Audrey’s message of congratulations:

“So instead of posting a pic of the married couple, you post one of yourself and Jeremy?” commented one follower.

“Not trying to cause trouble or be rude, but she made it about herself,” wrote another.

To be fair, posting a photo of yourself to mark the occasion of someone else’s wedding is more than a little strange.

But being surprised that a social media-obsessed reality star has a narcissistic streak is also pretty strange.

Audrey proceeded to make things worse on Monday, when she posted a series of nine photos, only two of which featured the bride and groom.

“The celebration should be for Molly and Joel. This is in poor taste to try and steal her thunder,” wrote one fan.

“Rule #1. NEVER upstage the bride,” another rather aptly commented.

Others were more forgiving, pointing out that Molly probably doesn’t care, as she tends to be a bit camera shy:

“I’m sure she’s respecting Molly’s wishes. Molly wanted to keep this day private,” commented one Facebook user.

“Why be critical? We already know that Molly is very private & didn’t want the wedding to be part of the show. Perhaps they just wanted to support her, & give her the privacy she requested,” wrote another.

Ultimately, Molly gets to decide whether or not Audrey’s pics constitute a faux pas, and we highly doubt she’s too concerned about it.

Even so, “never upstage the bride” is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind.
