Thursday, August 24, 2017

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Caught Getting Drunk and Endangering Daughter?

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have long been regarded as the Teen Mom frianchise’s most stable couple.

Together since high school, the 25 year olds have faced a number of challenges together, including reluctantly putting their first child up for adoption.

Last week, Catelynn and Tyler met up with their first child, whom they hadn’t seen in over two years.

The couple was praised for their efforts to keep young Carly in their lives and working with her adoptive parents in order to make it possible.

This week, however, Catelynn and Tyler’s parenting is receiving a wealth of attention for a very different reason.

On the show that made them famous, the Baltierras have demonstarated a consistent dedication to providing the best possible life for 2-year-old Novalee.

However, the couple’s latest social media posts offered evidence of a major lapse in that dedication.

For reasons that are clear only to him, Tyler recently uploaded a number of Snapchat posts that show him and Catelynn funneling booze in front of Novalee.

To the chagrin of many fans, little Nova was playing in a pool in the distance while her parents sucked down large quantities of beer.

“Playing by a pool while her parents are beer bonging,” commented one irate follower.

“Great job. Let’s suck down alcohol while my daughter is watching,” wrote another.

Sadly, the bad decision making continued from there.

Catelynn and Tyler then took the party to a new location, piling into a car with a driver who, as many fans pointed out, appeared to be highly intoxicated.

There’s no indication of Nova’s whereabouts in these later videos, and thankfully, she doesn’t appear to be in the car.

The footage is especially troubling as Catelynn checked herself into rehab just last year, citing emotional difficulties and “psychological drud dependencies.”

Alcohol was reportedly not her drug of choice, but it’s probably still best that she refrain from heavy drinking for the time being.

Especially in the presence of her very young daughter.

Catelynn and Tyler have yet to respond to the uproar over their behavior, but fans have made it clear these two have some explaining to do.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more highly questionable parenting.
