Monday, August 7, 2017

Jenelle Evans Celebrates Son"s Birthday, Gets Roasted By Critics

Jenelle Evans is unlikely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

In fact, Jenelle still doesn’t have custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s primarily under the care of her controversial mother, Barbara Evans.

When a court decides that Babs is better able to provide a stable household than you are, it’s clear you’ve got a lot of room to improve on your parenting.

But that doesn’t mean Jenelle isn’t trying.

Over the weekend, the Carolina Hurricane celebrated Jace’s eighth birthday with what looked to be a small party at home.

She documented the occasion on Instagram with a handful of heartwarming pics.

Obviously, Jenelle’s parenting skills (or relative lack thereof) have been a frequent topic of discussion for Teen Mom 2 fans over the years, but for once, there were relatively few negative comments.

If you follow Jenelle on social media, you know how rare that is.

And fortunately, those who felt the need to offer criticism focused it on Jenelle, and not Jace.

Many observed that it’s a bit strange that Jace blew out the candles on a fishing cake, as neither he nor his mother showed much interest in outdoorsy activities until recently, when David Eason convinced them to get outside more.

“Lol the fishing cake for all the fishing Jace has done and enjoyed since you found your latest soul mate and morphed into him! Great!” wrote one follower.

“That poor kid…. all that he’s been through He’s going to be in therapy for most of his adult life,” wrote another.

As fans of the show know, Evans and Eason are engaged and may be planning to get hitched as early as this fall.

That means, of course, that David and his family now find themselves in he crosshairs of Jenelle’s many critics.

As part of the weekend celebrations, Jenelle took the family on a night out, and some of her followers were critical of the clothing worn by Maryssa, Eason’s daughter from a previous relationship.

“Why is she dressed in granny like clothes? C’mon that poor child! And she always looks depressed!” wrote one Instagram user.

“Who dressed Maryssa? Booties in August? No wonder the child looks like she just lost her best friend,” commented another.

“I can see you dressing her like that out of pure spite and forcing her to wear it. The booties and the pink cardigan dont match that dress whatsoever!”

It seems there’s not much Jenelle can do these days that won’t earn her a good roasting from her detractors.

But in fairness, she does have an awful lot to make up for.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s many parenting ups and downs.
