Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Prince Harry: Epic Birthday Present to Meghan Markle Revealed!

Being a prince is probably a lot like living in a constant New Year’s Eve.

There’s a lot of pressure to make everything you do epic and memorable, and whatnot.

Like, if a girl starts dating a clerk at GameStop, she probably doesn’t expect more than flowers and a card for her birthday, but if she’s dating Prince Harry, well … that’s a different story.

Meghan Markle turned 36 last week, and it seems Harry rose to the occasion in a big way, taking the Suits star on a safari in Botswana.

As Harry revealed in a recent interview, Africa is a place of tremendous emotional significance for him

“This is where I feel more like myself than anywhere else in the world,” Harry told Town & Country.

“I wish I could spend more time in Africa. I have this intense sense of complete relaxation and normality here.”

Harry even went so far as to call Botswana his “second home,” a comment that we imagine elicited eye-rolls and remarks of “bruh” all over the nation.

Anyway, it’s been almost a year since Harry and Meghan started dating and he took her to a place that holds major importance to him.

Naturally, the situation has prompted countless rumors that Harry is planning to propose to Meghan during their safari.

We suppose it’s possible.

Obviously, there’s been no official word yet, but the couple is still in Africa as of this writing.

Of course, it’s worth noting that Harry also took exes Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas to Botswana in the past, and they both returned decidedly ringless.

But hey, whatever happens, the Harry-Meghan engagement rumors will continue to fly, and the couple will return with a lifetime of fond memories.

Harry deserves a tip of the hat for delivering in such a big way on the first birthday he’s spent as Meghan’s boyfriend.

However, in a way, it was something of a rookie mistake.

If you go full African safari on your first birthday together, how do you top it next year?

Harry’s really rolling the dice on Elon Musk having moon tourism ready to go by then.

Now might be a good time to dispatch some royal assassins to “persuade” Musk to hurry things along.

It’s good to be the prince.
