Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Paris Jackson Shares Topless Selfie, Love for Her Dog

You have to love Paris Jackson.

We don’t mean that in the “you must love her because of who her father was” or whatever. You can do that if you like, but we think that Paris is admirable for who she is.

Sometimes, Paris Jackson shows her spiritual side while topless. In this photo, she’s topless again, but the context is a little different. …

Paris Jackson, daughter of the late, great Michael Jackson, chooses to honor her father’s memory with tattoos.

Recently, Paris and her godfather, Macaulay Culkin, got matching tattoos on their arms, though the meaning of the enigmatic spoon tattoo could be an inside joke or a reference to chronic illness.

(We just don’t know)

Some people hold a very negative view of tattoos.

For yourself, that’s fine. But please don’t try to impose your personal choices on others, okay?

Paris Jackson’s body and skin are her own, and she can decorate it with whatever ink she chooses.

She can also choose whether or not to display those tattoos. It is, again, her body.

And while we’re on the subject, she doesn’t need to cover up any parts of her skin that she doesn’t want to.

Obviously, Instagram has its rules.

To that particular social media platform, nipples — very specifically, women’s nipples — are bad and naughty and not allowed.

(A lot of laws about indecent exposure are written in the same archaic mindset, because society is and always has been something of a nightmare)

It’s important to note that, for Paris, the focus of this image isn’t on her skin or boobs or whatever, but on her dog.

She captioned the photo: “bby”

(She also turned off comments, which we’ll get to in a moment)

But while Paris Jackson’s latest topless selfie features the helpful censorship of her beloved dog, she’s very nearly suffering a nip slip.

Though it doesn’t really look like she’s suffering anything, does it?

Paris has spoken before about her love of nudity, and we don’t blame her one bit.

Unlike most of us, Paris sometimes takes her fondness for baring it all into the great outdoors.

It wasn’t very long ago that Paris Jackson attended a spiritual retreat, which you can see here.

It looks like a beautiful (if very warm) location, but Paris doesn’t mind baring some skin, and that can be a great way to beat the heat.

Not everyone can do that, of course.

Maybe you live around a lot of people or maybe the weather or laws don’t permit it.

Or maybe you’re just comfortable with your body but not comfortable being seen nude.

(Heck, people with scopophobia aren’t comfortable being seen while dressed, so there’s no shame with having a comfort zone)

That’s not even the only time this summer that Paris has shown her spiritual side while nude, as she recently sat topless (though indoors) while possibly looking at tarot cards.

In each case, Paris Jackson tends to turn off comments on Instagram.

It’s not clear if she leaves comments on at first and only turns them off once people start saying gross things, or if she just doesn’t want to deal with it.

Either way, we wouldn’t blame her.

Half of the negative responses are going to be, well, sexual harassment.

How a woman is dressed doesn’t give you permission to say sexual things to her, and the way that she’s undressed is no exception.

Don’t get us wrong, Paris Jackson looks great. You can say “you look great!” Don’t say things that you wouldn’t say to someone in front of your mother.

The other half of the negative responses are more hateful, comments shaming her for having a body, as if she should hide her flesh because someone who voluntarily follows her Instagram account disapproves.

We’re glad that Paris Jackson is such a free spirit. We can’t imagine blaming her for tuning out the comments, though.
