Monday, August 28, 2017

Kesha: Is She Pregnant?!

Let’s be real: everyone loves a good pregnancy scandal.

They’re just always so intriguing because the stakes are high, the drama last for months, and at the end of it all there’s a precious little baby!

Pregnancy scandals can come in many forms, and we’ve been seeing several of them recently.

There’s Kailyn Lowry of Teen Mom 2 who is dealing with a boatload of baby daddy drama, and there’s Jennifer Aniston who is (and has been for years) dealing with some “is she or isn’t she?” nonsense.

And thanks to appearance at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, there’s another celebrity following in Jennifer Aniston’s “IS THAT A BABY BUMP?!?!” footsteps.

And that celebrity is none other than Kesha!

Our darling Kesha rolled up to the VMAs in a great big dress that was very poofy with lots of layers, and that dress alone got people talking.

Because hey, what’s she trying to hide, right?

A baby bump, that’s what!

More clues to a possible pregnancy include the fact that her face looked a little fuller than it normally does.

Also, her boobs looked great, so there’s that.

Then, if you can even believe it, Kesha made the most obvious of pregnant lady moves …

When she hopped up on stage to make a moving speech introducing Logic’s performance of “1-800-273-8255” (the suicide prevention hotline, if you didn’t know), she actually dared to place her hand on her stomach.

Here, just check out her stance, which may as well be a pregnancy announcement all on its own:

Throw all those things together, and you’ll see why so many people spent last night and this morning on Twitter, trying to uncover the secrets of Kesha’s uterus.

“Is Kesha pregnant?” one person asked. “Her face looks slightly different and she was holding her belly the whole time.”

Another person asked the same question and added “I’m being dead serious. I googled it and some news sources are saying so and the pics look very pregnant.”

Because everyone knows by now that if you see something on Google, it must be true!

On Twitter user wrote “That dress Kesha is wearing is confusing me, it looks like she’s pregnant and trying to hide it behind ruffles.”

Some people went so far as to just confirm the rumors, like this person who tweeted “Kesha is wearing that dress to hids she’s pregnant, you heard it from me first sisters.”

But OK, look, let’s slow down for just a minute here.

What is actually more likely: that Kesha is actually pregnant, or that she simply gained a little weight?

If you look back at photos of this girl from the past year or so, you’d see that she has in fact put on some pounds — which is great, by the way.

Remember, she’s been open about how she’s suffered from eating disorders and how she starved herself earlier in her career to better fit the image that was expected of her.

In a letter she wrote to her younger self earlier this month, she revealed that her battle with anorexia and bulimia nearly killed her.

So if she’s gained weight, that means she’s healing, and what better news could there possibly be?

Sure, she could be pregnant, we suppose, and that would be wonderful too.

But for now, let’s stop speculating about her figure and her weight and just be proud of her for how far she’s come.
