Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Amber Portwood: Get All the Details on Her New Man!

Last week, something truly amazing happened …

We learned that Amber Portwood had landed herself a new boyfriend, meaning that, once and for all, that nasty, uncomfortable Matt Baier chapter in her life was officially over.

Of course, that’s not to say that Matt isn’t waiting in the wings, sharpening his claws and preparing himself to pounce at her next vulnerable moment.

But right now, let’s not think about those dark, scary years that will surely haunt us for the rest of our days.

Let’s focus on Amber’s new guy, who, as of right now, seems kind of OK.

And what a step up that is!

We don’t know much about this mystery man — only that the first and only time we’ve seen him so far was in a weird video shared by Radar Online.

In the video, the guy rocked a great big cowboy hat and was very handsy with Amber, even going so far as to jiggle her boobs.

The jiggling isn’t a great sign, to be honest — they were with other people, and she looked a little uncomfortable with it.

But hey, so far he’s still way better than Matt.

And, thanks to some new details about him that have been uncovered by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, we know that he’s actually miles better than that creeper.

According to The Ashley’s report, the guy’s name is Andrew, and he’s 33 years old — much closer in age to Amber, who is 27.

The two new lovebirds actually met while she was filming Marriage Boot Camp with Matt. He works in TV production out in L.A., and he has for years.

And it sounds like there’s a good chance we’ll be learning a whole lot more about Andrew soon, since the word is that he’ll appear on the next season of Teen Mom OG.

So this is all very interesting, right?

Especially the idea that Amber met her new boyfriend while she was on a reality show all about working things out with her old boyfriend.

But these new details could also mean that she was done with Matt way before they even started filming Marriage Boot Camp.

Remember when she went on that big Twitter rant over the weekend?

She wrote that “There’s nothing wrong with dating over 3 months after breaking up with someone..crazy how people judge and are so quick to talk sh-t?”

(Technically she’s right, three months between boyfriends is usually fine, but when you consider that this is a 27-year-old woman who has literally never had a healthy relationship, it changes things a bit.)

She’s never been that great at math, but if it’s been over three months since she broke up with Matt, that must mean that they really did break up for good in May, after the incident with the lie detector test.

We did hear that she broke up with him then, but she also said that he still lived with her because he didn’t have anywhere else to go.

They filmed Marriage Boot Camp in June, and after that wrapped up, Amber made it clear on social media that she was done with him.

Based on all these new details though, it seems like they did break up for good in May, they went through with MBC anyway (gotta get that money/attention, right?), and that’s where she met Andrew.

It all sounds a little too messy, honestly, but hey, that’s Amber for you!
