Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Teresa & Joe Giudice: Finally Headed For Divorce?!

Reality television isn’t known for its wealth of happy and healthy couples.

But despite the many bad dads of Teen Mom, the desperate Housewives perpetually headed for divorce, and the Kimyes of the upper echelon, it’s possible that none of the messed up couples littering the reality landscape are as dysfunctional as Teresa and Joe Giudice.

These days, Joe is behind bars, serving a four-year sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Prior to that, Teresa was locked up on similar charges.

(The judge in their case allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences back-to-back, so as not to leave their children without parents.)

All of that is bad enough on its own, but it’s not like the Giudices were standing on a solid foundation before their legal woes began.

Rumors of Joe cheating on Teresa ran rampant during her imprisonment, and now the tables have turned.

Insiders claim Teresa is now cheating on Joe, and she’s so enamored of her new life as a single-ish woman that she’s only visited her husband in prison “a handful of times.”

“She’s loving her independence,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“She’s becoming used to being quite free while Joe is away at prison,” 

The source even goes so far as to speculate that Joe and Teresa’s time together might soon come to an end.

“The marriage may be over,” the insider confesses.

It’s bad news for Joe for reasons that go beyond the obvious.

Joe was born in Italy and never obtained American citizenship, which means he could be facing deportation after he’s released from prison.

His strongest argument for remaining in the U.S. was the fact that he has a wife and four daughters who have lived in the States their entire lives.

If he loses that, it could mean arrivederci for Juicy Joe.

Now that’s a deportation policy everyone can get behind.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the Giudices’ wildly tumultuous relationship.

We stand by our claim that they take the cake as reality TV’s most messed-up couple.
