Monday, August 28, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A New Target Emerges

Big Brother has just a few weeks left, and that means the remaining duos are ready to beat the others out and make it all the way to the end of the game. 

When the episode gets underway, the wiener Head of Household challenge found the houseguests inside a hot dog bun and trying to stay inside.

Jason Dent

As expected, all of the couples want someone from their pair to make it to the end of the competition because it would mean safety for longer. 

Jason and Alex started messing with the houseguests and try to make deals with each other. It’s as clear as day that they are working together and everyone knows it. 

In the end, Jason wins the HOH competition, and only Alex smiled about his success. Matt claims that there is something going on with Jason and Alex. 

Is the Cheerio thief ready to make a move that does not involve sitting around the house complaining? Maybe he knows two people want him out wants to put the blame on Jason and Alex. 

Alex reveals to the audience that her mind went blank during the eviction and she accidentally voted for Matt. The original plan was for one vote because it would paint a bigger target over Kevin. 

Jason does not want to lie to Kevin, so he tells him the truth about what happened, and he is not impressed. 

“I’m not a really good liar,” says Jason. “When I get cornered I get diarrhea of the mouth.” 

Jason and Alex conspire and reveal they want Matt and Raven as the targets, and it’s not entirely surprising. They plan to say that Kevin will be put up after the veto and sent out. 

Paul tells both of them they would only be pawns and that Kevin would be the target. The pair actually seems to be on board with it, and it further proves how silly they are. 

“I don’t understand how they’re so calm at this point. Either I’m getting swindled…or they’re really this comfortable with me,” Paul tells the audience.

While the targets appear to be set for the week, Christmas notices that Josh’s trust in Paul is wavering. His primary concern is his great social game and watching him getting closer to Jason and Alex. 

They agree that they may need to get rid of Paul sooner than they first thought, but both implied it would be a decision they would be willing to entertain.

So, Matt and Raven were nominated, but Josh and Christmas seem ready to make some moves. 

What do you think about all of this?

Who are you rooting for?

Sound off below!
