Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Peter Kraus: If They Ask Me to Be The Bachelor, I"ll Say ...

Peter Kraus may have hearts on The Bachelorette — of fans and of Rachel Lindsay. He didn"t get the girl in the end, but he got a lot of fans.

The question remains, though: will the 31-year-old Wisconsin native be the next Bachelor?

Peter Kraus got asked exactly that question, today, and we have a video of that interview:

We"ve talked about this before, but it merits repeating:

Peter Kraus should absolutely be the next Bachelor.

He has the looks.

He has the charm.

He has the lovable personality.

He has the fans who are interested in seeing him again.

He has the deeply romantic idea behind what an engagement means coupled with the willingness to let his quest for love play out on television.

And … did we mention that he has the looks?

We did.

We did mention that.

We"re not the only ones who think that Peter Kraus would be perfect for The Bachelor, though.

On top of a huge portion fo Bachelor Nation who wanted him to end up with Rachel …

(The ones who weren"t following The Bachelorette Spoilers were crushed with disappointment at what the rest of us already knew)

… Peter Kraus even won the endorsement of his buddy and competitor Dean Unglert.

Because even before it was revealed that Rachel chose Bryan Abasolo, Dean Unglert was already saying that Peter Kraus would make a great Bachelor.

Obviously, they"re friends and Dean wants his buddy to find love and success.

But it"s worth noting that Dean Unglert is also a fan favorite to star on The Bachelor, so that"s a statement against his own interests.

Very directly, on Good Morning America today, Peter Kraus got asked whether he"d say yes if he"s offered that coveted spot on The Bachelor

His interviewer started by reminding him that, in high school when The Bachelor first began airing, he expressed a desire to occupy that spot on the show.

As in, he put it on his senior yearbook page.

"At the time I had not have a serious girlfriend — I don"t even think I"d kissed a girl at that point."

That"s a little hard to believe, but sometimes even beautiful people can be awkward as teenagers.

Plus, Peter looks better now than he did as a teen. There are a lot of late bloomers in the world.

"The Bachelor had just started airing; this man was, like, the epitome of what every guy wanted to be: successful, intelligent, hard-working, he was known by all and desired by the girls. And I wanted the girls."

That … definitely sounds like a high school boy. Yep.

Then, and only then, is he asked whether or not, if asked, he"d become the next Bachelor.

"I"d have to think a lot about it."

You almost can"t hear Peter"s reply over the chorus of voices in the background yelling "yes!"

As if they could answer for him.


Peter may be undecided, but it seems like just about everyone is in favor of him starring on The Bachelor.

Except, of course, for Rachel Lindsay, who apparently doesn"t want him to find love or something.

Peter kraus if they ask me to be the bachelor ill say