Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kim Zolciak: See Her Family React to Son"s Dog Attack!

Kim Zolciak"s Don"t Be Tardy For The Party trailer would, in all honesty, be pretty much a snoozefest if it weren"t for one little thing.

Like, nobody other than Brielle herself been waiting for months to find out if Brielle Biermann gets to move in with her hot boyfriend.

But after little Kash Biermann"s dog attack and serious injury last April, a lot of fans have wondered how it went down. Well, we get our first glimpse in this video:

Kash biermann birthday sticker

Okay, so, a quick refresher:

Back in April, Kash Biermann — Kim Zolciak"s son, who was four years old at the time — suffered some sort of dog attack that left his face seriously injured.

It was reported that he was in danger of losing one of his eyes. Kim Zolciak described the damage to her son"s face and it"s not a pretty picture.

Kim Zolciak and her family rushed to the hospital and this was serious, rather than the usual "drama" that you get on reality television.

Now, as terrible as all of this is to imagine, know that Kash lived and kept both eyes and has also started kindergarten, which Kim Zolciak couldn"t handle.

Kim and her family have been remarkably tight-lipped about it all, seemingly for legal reasons.

(We don"t know everything, but doesn"t it seem likely that there"s some sort of legal action between them and whoever they believe is responsible for what happened?)

Well, now we know a little more.

Its kim zolciak

Clearly, this Don"t Be Tardy For The Party trailer is intended to tease viewers into watching for glimpses into Kash"s harrowing ordeal.

That"s also the part that comes last.

At first, you get generic stuff with the Biermann family with, you know, Kim Zolciak being goofy and romantic as she renews her vows on the beach.

Then they get into the "oh no is the help stealing from us" storyline, followed by a "we"re going to fix your horrible nightmare of a house" storyline.


(Even if you"re just being nice on camera, you"re still being nice)

Then Brielle wants to move in with her needlessly attractive baseball player boyfriend, Michael Kopech.

We love their relationship.

Brielle biermann looking casual

First of all, after years of slogging through Kylie Jenner"s romantic choices, it"s nice to see a stunningly gorgeous young woman date a guy who actually seems worthy of her and appropriate.

Michael Kopech is a baseball player so we don"t think that he"s chasing fame.

He"s as hot in his own right as Brielle is in hers, where most of the time you see these gorgeous women dating guys who are mostly just okay-looking.

Also, he"s a completely age-appropriate choice — he"s twenty-one and Brielle is twenty.

Anyway, Michael wants Brielle to move in with him, which is nobody"s business, but Kroy Biermann has some issue with it, which is super weird and we hope is just him playing tough for the camera or something.

Only at the end do we see the part with the family reacting to the news about Kash.

Kash biermann in sunglasses

Our biggest question is this: why does Brielle (we think that it was Brielle"s voice) say that she feels so guilty?

We guess that we"re going to find out whenever the season tells that story.

Some people are probably going to slam them for telling Kash"s story on the show but, like … it"s part of their lives.

And it"s a reality show. It goes with the territory, you know?

Anyway, you can see and hear the tease of the family"s reactions as they find out about Kash and rush him to the hospital:

Kim zolciak see her family react to kash dog attack