Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Caught Hiding Baby Bump One Month Before Wedding?!

If you’re a fan of her family, then you’re probably already aware that Joy-Anna Duggar is expecting her first child.

You may also be aware that there’s been some intense interest in exactly when Joy got pregnant, due to the fact that she married Austin Forsyth just three months before her big announcement.

In all likelihood, we’ll never know for certain if Joy-Anna and Austin had a shotgun wedding, because the revelation that the couple engaged in premarital sex would mean a huge scandal for the ultra-conservative Duggars, and the family has proven adept at sweeping this sort of thing under the rug.

But that won’t stop fans from digging for answers – and many think they found the clues they were looking for on Monday’s episode of Counting On.

The episode focused largely on the process of Joy-Anna and Austin planning their wedding – the same wedding that had been rather suspiciously moved up from October to May.

Scenes showed the young couple putting together last minute arrangements and perusing the property that was to become their first home together.

And some fans believe the baggy clothing Joy-Anna sported for the occasion was chosen for the purpose of hiding a baby bump.

Again, it’s not the kind of thing the Duggars will ever confess to, but fans had a field day with what they believed was conclusive evidence of Joy-Anna’s trickery.

As you can see from the photos, if there is a baby bump present, it’s an exceedingly small one.

But knowing that Joy-Anna was pregnant even one day before her wedding would send some of the Duggars’ more conservative fans into an uproar.

After all, the family is as famous for its strict ban on all premarital physical contact as for the enthusiastic breeding that follows the exchange of vows.

There were already rumors that Joy-Anna and Austin had broken courtship rules during the early days of their relationship.

The couple even confessed to doing so, but it was widely assumed that they meant they engaged in some front-hugging or an overlong hand-holding session.

(Like we said, the Duggars are very strict about their courtship rules.)

If it turns out that Austin and Joy-Anna engaged in unprotected premarital sex that resulted in a pregnancy, her family’s critics would have a field day with the hypocrisy.

Duggar fans, on the other hand, would be left with yet another scandal to try and explain away.

This could soon develop into yet another very messy situation for the beleaguered clan from Tontitown, Arkansas.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
