Monday, September 11, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: See the New (Super Hot) Trailer!!!

When you woke up this morning, you probably thought today was going to be a relatively normal day.

You"d probably do a little relaxing, maybe catch up on the news, go to brunch or church or what have you.

What you didn"t expect was to have your whole entire world rocked … but lucky for you, that"s what is happening!

On this very, special day, something incredible happened: another teaser for Fifty Shades Freed dropped.

Fifty Shades Freed, of course, is the third and final installment of the Fifty Shades of Grey series — that magical tale of bondage, love, and disregarded boundaries.

In hindsight, we should have known that something special would happen today, since, after all, today is the birthday of the series" protagonist, Anastasia Steele.

But the point is that the trailer is here, there"s new shirtless footage of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey to view … 

It"s a good day.


The trailer begins, if you can even believe it, with beautiful scenes from Anastasia"s wedding to Christian.

"I solemnly vow to love you faithfully, forsaking all others," he tells her as he slips the ring on her finger.

"I promise to trust and respect you," he adds, which is pretty important because, you know, he hadn"t really done that previously, "and to keep you safe for as long as we both shall live."

Of course, then she finds a gun, and there"s a car chase and somebody holds a knife to her throat, so apparently those vows went out the window pretty quick.

But still, there"s the previously mentioned shirtless Jamie Dornan, and obviously there"s a couple of bondage-y sex scenes thrown in for good measure.

The movie won"t be released until Valentine"s Day of next year, and the first full length trailer won"t drop until November.

But for now, we have this to tide us over.

And it is enough.

Check out all the action in the video below:

Fifty shades freed see the new super hot trailer