Showing posts with label Freed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freed. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meek Mill: Finally Freed from Prison!!!

The city of Philadelphia is on a high this evening.

Because the Eagles won the Super Bowl? Villanova won the NCAA men’s basketball championship? The 76ers have two of the best 20 players in the NBA?

Nope, nope and nope.

All these things may be true, but the City of Brotherly Love is psyched at the moment because one of its own has finally been released from prison.

Oh, yes, Meek Mill is a free man.

At last!

The rapper received a jail sentence of two to four years in November, stemming from a parole violation following a pair of arrests earlier in the year.

The first arrest transpired last March due to a scuffle at an airport in St. Louis; the related charges were dropped.

After that, Meek Mill then pleaded guilty to reckless driving in October after he posted videos of himself doing wheelies on a dirt bike in New York City

His sentencing late in the year created a national outcry among a certain section of society who believed he was being unjustly punished, beginning with Jay-Z, who said the following when Meek Mill was sent to the slammer:

“The sentence handed down by the Judge – against the recommendation of the Assistant District Attorney and Probation Officer – is unjust and heavy handed.

“We will always stand by and support Meek Mill, both as he attempts to right this wrongful sentence and then in returning to his musical career.”

Compare this quote to what the iconic musician said after Meek Mill walked out on Tuesday might from the Chester State Correctional Institution:

“Today, Meek Mill, a son of Philadelphia, is a free man. He was incarcerated unjustly and caught in a probation trap for years by a broken system.

“Now we can celebrate his release. We thank every individual that has supported and fought alongside Meek every step of the way.”

Mill, meanwhile, wasted no time in taking advantage of his freedom.

He was picked up via helicopter by 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin and flown to the team’s opening round playoff game against the Miami Heat.

But he also found time to jump on Twitter and issue a few important statements:

I’d like to thank God, my family, and all my public advocates for their love, support and encouragement during this difficult time. While the past five months have been a nightmare, the prayers, visits, calls, letters and rallies have helped me stay positive.

To the Philly District Attorney’s office, I’m grateful for your commitment to justice. I understand that many people of color across the country don’t have that luxury and I plan to use my platform to shine a light on those issues.

In the meantime, I plan to work closely with my legal team to overturn this unwarranted conviction and look forward to reuniting with my family and resuming my music career.


Upon arriving at the 76ers game, TMZ has a video of Meek Mill saying he feels “great.”

And why shouldn’t he?

Sporting a Joel Embiid jersey, the rapper went ahead and rang Philadelphia’s ceremonial bell before the game against the Heat.

It’s pretty good to be Meek Mill right about now.

Which is not something we would have written as recently as one day ago.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Fifty Shades Freed Reviews: What an Unsatisfying Climax!

Fifty Shades Freed is an actual name of an actual movie.

Based on the following reviews, meanwhile, it also may be the best part of said movie.

The final installment of a much-maligned trilogy, Fifty Shades Freed once again stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, as the actors have a lot of rough sex and get engaged in a lot of ridiculous plot machinations.

Just how terrible is Fifty Shades Freed?

Scroll down to read the most scathing reviews!

1. Entertainment Weekly, Chris Nashawaty

Entertainment weekly chris nashawaty

The thriller plot with Hyde is wafer thin. So director James Foley (yes, the same James Foley who somehow once directed Glengarry Glen Ross and then apparently lost a bet with Satan) appeals to our collective weakness for materialistic envy with ritzy mountain vacations, bubble baths, and visits to the infamous Red Room of Pain. As an actress, Johnson sells all of this hooey better than Dornan, who, three films in, hasn’t gotten much better as an actor.

2. Vulture, Emily Yoshida

Vulture emily yoshida

[These films] look more out of step with the times than ever. As the trilogy goes out, more desperate than ever to convince us it was in on the joke all along, it’s hard to say exactly what the joke was.

3. The Guardian, Benjamin Lee

The guardian benjamin lee

The dialogue just exists. Its purpose is to slowly edge the feather-light plot forward rather than provide any depth or humor to any interaction. There’s more of an attempt here to add the loose outline of a thriller narrative to occupy the scenes when they’re not having boring sex but it’s of the daytime soap variety (at one point a character gets kidnapped outside a gym). There’s never any real danger or real emotion or real anything here, to be honest, it’s as if it’s playing in the background, and no one involved can be bothered to add color or life or even a frisson of passion.

4. The Wrap, Anna Hartley

The wrap anna hartley

Although it tries to hide it by cramming in fist fights, car chases and kidnapping, “Fifty Shades Freed” suffers from a lack of rhythm, moving from plot point to plot point with as much spontaneity as meal-planning for one’s luxury penthouse household with one’s housekeeper. It’s clichéd, stodgy and overly faithful to the original books. But at the end of the day, who cares?

5. Collider, Matt Goldberg

Collider matt goldberg

There’s a lot I could tolerate with these movies—the fact that they worship at the altar of wealth and confuse gratuitous displays of money with love (I know Christian can whisk Ana away to Aspen whenever he wants, but I’d be shocked if he knew the title of her favorite book); that Dornan and Johnson clearly despise each other (the only scene where they seem to have any connection is one where Ana and Christian are angrily yelling at each other); and that the sex scenes are bland because there’s no chemistry between the actors. But I draw the line at trying to normalize someone like Christian without ever forcing him to change his behavior.

6. The Telegraph, Robbie Collin

The telegraph robbie collin

This is a film in which one of the more emotionally detailed performances is given by a product-placement Audi.

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Monday, November 6, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: See the Hot Full-Length Trailer!

What did we ever do to deserve the sexy, sexy magic that is the Fifty Shades of Grey series?

The books, the movies, all of it is just so good.

Maybe you think it"s good because you genuinely like it, maybe you think it"s good because it makes you feel funny in your pants, or maybe you just appreciate it for what it is: a dumb, trashy, fun bit of entertainment.

Either way, does it really matter?

Fifty Shades of Grey has a little something for everybody, and if you don"t believe it, then just check out the new trailer for Fifty Shades Freed, the final film in the franchise.

Then you"ll see.

This is actually the first official trailer for the movie — we"ve seen a few teasers, but this is the first real look we"re getting.

And it"s amazing.

The trailer starts by reminding us that Anastasia and Christian are married now — we know that because he tells her "Good morning, wife," and then she answers with "Good morning, husband."

They go on a fancy honeymoon, he spends a ridiculous amount of money and licks her leg. You know, just married people things.

When they get back home, it turns out that they have a different home, because he went and bought a house without discussing it with her.

It"s not because he"s possessive and controlling, it"s because he"s romantic. Right?

Later on, Ana is driving around town with Christian when he notices they"re being followed, so she does some slick maneuvers to get away from the other car, which is something she would totally know how to do.


And then … oh, and then Ana"s deranged old boss, Jack Hyde, calls her up, looking more psychotic than ever.

What does he want? The trailer doesn"t make it clear, but later we see him holding a knife to her throat, so it"s nothing good.

What else? Ana gets jealous because Christian hangs out with that older woman who turned him onto all this BDSM business, someone gets punched in a club, for some reason.

And don"t forget all the sex!

Check out the whole wild show in the video below:

Fifty shades freed see the hot full length trailer

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

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Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

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Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

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Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

View Slideshow

Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

View Slideshow

Fifty Shades Freed: Check Out the Dumbest Moments (So Far)!

Question: have you ever really sat back and really thought about how blessed we are to be alive right now?

Sure, there are tons and tons of terrible things happening all around the world, but unfortunately that"s usually the case.

You can spend your time focusing on all the negatives, or you can choose to be a little more optimistic and think about all the truly great things happening around us, right at this very moment.

For instance, technology is pretty cool, right? And there have been so many advancements that have made it possible for us to do more, see more, experience more …

Also, just look at it this way: we"re are the only people in the history of the world who get to experience the phenomenon that is Fifty Shades of Grey as it happens.

Future generations will be able to read the books and watch the movies, but will they get to wait anxiously for the next movie to hit theaters?

Will they, as we all surely do, remember where they were when they saw the last first trailer for a Fifty Shades film?

No. We alone have that pleasure.

So keep that in mind as we take a good, hard look at the latest Fifty Shades Freed teaser, you lucky, lucky souls.

Because if a Fifty Shades teaser doesn"t deserve this kind of analyzing, then for real, what does?

1. Anastasia’s Wedding Dress!

Anastasias wedding dress

Look at it, look at it! That’s the dress Anastasia will wear when she becomes Mrs. Christian Grey. And it’s hanging from the ceiling because … well, that’s just what rich people do, right?

2. Sneaky Hands!

Sneaky hands

We all know it wouldn’t be Fifty Shades without some sexy times, and this little snippet from the teaser certainly doesn’t disappoint! Because hey, who DOESN’T like it when their significant other waltzes up while you’re trying to get dressed to slide his hand up your butt?!



In this little moment, we learn that Christian Grey is so hot that when you see him strutting on the beach, you’re required to take off your sunglasses. Out of respect, probably, but also because why would you want anything to obstruct that view?

4. The Exchanging of the Rings

The exchanging of the rings

… Are we seriously supposed to believe that this is the wedding ring Christian would choose? Really? After seeing his helicopters and cars and homes and his vast collection of luxury butt toys, we’re supposed to think this fits his aesthetic?

5. The Ever-Surprised Anastasia

The ever surprised anastasia

This is cute, because this is that classic moment in every relationship where one partner learns that the other owns a private jet. Who can’t relate?!

6. Sexy Sex Toys

Sexy sex toys

… What is that, a wooden spoon? Seems like Anastasia is kind of overselling this bit.

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Monday, September 11, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: See the New (Super Hot) Trailer!!!

When you woke up this morning, you probably thought today was going to be a relatively normal day.

You"d probably do a little relaxing, maybe catch up on the news, go to brunch or church or what have you.

What you didn"t expect was to have your whole entire world rocked … but lucky for you, that"s what is happening!

On this very, special day, something incredible happened: another teaser for Fifty Shades Freed dropped.

Fifty Shades Freed, of course, is the third and final installment of the Fifty Shades of Grey series — that magical tale of bondage, love, and disregarded boundaries.

In hindsight, we should have known that something special would happen today, since, after all, today is the birthday of the series" protagonist, Anastasia Steele.

But the point is that the trailer is here, there"s new shirtless footage of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey to view … 

It"s a good day.


The trailer begins, if you can even believe it, with beautiful scenes from Anastasia"s wedding to Christian.

"I solemnly vow to love you faithfully, forsaking all others," he tells her as he slips the ring on her finger.

"I promise to trust and respect you," he adds, which is pretty important because, you know, he hadn"t really done that previously, "and to keep you safe for as long as we both shall live."

Of course, then she finds a gun, and there"s a car chase and somebody holds a knife to her throat, so apparently those vows went out the window pretty quick.

But still, there"s the previously mentioned shirtless Jamie Dornan, and obviously there"s a couple of bondage-y sex scenes thrown in for good measure.

The movie won"t be released until Valentine"s Day of next year, and the first full length trailer won"t drop until November.

But for now, we have this to tide us over.

And it is enough.

Check out all the action in the video below:

Fifty shades freed see the new super hot trailer