Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Demi Lovato Shares Incredible Before-and-After Eating Disorder Pics

Demi Lovato has a very important message to send to young fans.

Or to anyone, really.

The singer is in the news these days because she just came out with an especially personal documentary on YouTube.

It’s titled “Simply Complicated” and it delves into nearly every aspect of the artist’s life, from her past drug use to her most famous relationship to her struggle with bulimia.

This has been well-documented, of course.

Lovato has never been shy about her substance abuse issues or her eating disorder.

Along those lines, Demi just shared a pair of pretty amazing, contrasting photos on Instagram.

On the left is what Lovato looked like back before she received professional help… on the right is what she looks like now.

“Recovery is Possible,” she wrote as a caption.

Wow, right?

In the aforementioned documentary, Lovato opens way up about her battle with her eating disorder, explaining how her June 2016 split from boyfriend of six years Wilmer Valderrama caused her to fall back into past struggles.

“When I was in a relationship with Wilmer, I went three years without purging and when we broke up that’s one of the first things I did,” she confesses, expounding as follows:

“The less I have to think about food, the easier it is to go about having a normal life and I don’t want to let anybody down, so when I do have moments when I slip up, I feel very ashamed.

“What started the relapse was missing Wilmer. And when I feel lonely my heart feels hungry and I end up binging.”

It doesn’t get much more candid than that, does it?

Lovato also talks about how her battle with food started at a young age.

“I would bake cookies for my family and I would eat all of them and nobody would have any to eat. That was my first memory of food being that medicine for me,” she said.

“Food is still the biggest challenge in my life and it controls…

“I don’t want to give it the power to say it controls my every thought, but it’s something that I’m constantly thinking about.”

It’s a never-ending, all-consuming issue, Demi explains:

“Body image, what I’m going to eat next, what I wish I could be eating, what I wish I didn’t eat. It’s just constant.

“Like I get envious toward people that don’t struggle with an eating disorder just because I feel like my life would be so much easier.”

How does Lovato keep it under control?

What does she do to remain as healthy as possible?

“The gym really helps and I know that I would be in a very dark place without it.

“Anytime I’m able to take my mind off of any of my addictions, it’s very beneficial to me. Working out is a form of meditation for me because I’m not focused on anything in my head.

“It can transport you to a totally different place.”

We salute Demi Lovato for not only overcoming her personal demons… but for opening up in such a way that she can hopefully help others overcome theirs, as well.
