Showing posts with label BeforeandAfter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BeforeandAfter. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Demi Lovato Shares Incredible Before-and-After Eating Disorder Pics

Demi Lovato has a very important message to send to young fans.

Or to anyone, really.

The singer is in the news these days because she just came out with an especially personal documentary on YouTube.

It’s titled “Simply Complicated” and it delves into nearly every aspect of the artist’s life, from her past drug use to her most famous relationship to her struggle with bulimia.

This has been well-documented, of course.

Lovato has never been shy about her substance abuse issues or her eating disorder.

Along those lines, Demi just shared a pair of pretty amazing, contrasting photos on Instagram.

On the left is what Lovato looked like back before she received professional help… on the right is what she looks like now.

“Recovery is Possible,” she wrote as a caption.

Wow, right?

In the aforementioned documentary, Lovato opens way up about her battle with her eating disorder, explaining how her June 2016 split from boyfriend of six years Wilmer Valderrama caused her to fall back into past struggles.

“When I was in a relationship with Wilmer, I went three years without purging and when we broke up that’s one of the first things I did,” she confesses, expounding as follows:

“The less I have to think about food, the easier it is to go about having a normal life and I don’t want to let anybody down, so when I do have moments when I slip up, I feel very ashamed.

“What started the relapse was missing Wilmer. And when I feel lonely my heart feels hungry and I end up binging.”

It doesn’t get much more candid than that, does it?

Lovato also talks about how her battle with food started at a young age.

“I would bake cookies for my family and I would eat all of them and nobody would have any to eat. That was my first memory of food being that medicine for me,” she said.

“Food is still the biggest challenge in my life and it controls…

“I don’t want to give it the power to say it controls my every thought, but it’s something that I’m constantly thinking about.”

It’s a never-ending, all-consuming issue, Demi explains:

“Body image, what I’m going to eat next, what I wish I could be eating, what I wish I didn’t eat. It’s just constant.

“Like I get envious toward people that don’t struggle with an eating disorder just because I feel like my life would be so much easier.”

How does Lovato keep it under control?

What does she do to remain as healthy as possible?

“The gym really helps and I know that I would be in a very dark place without it.

“Anytime I’m able to take my mind off of any of my addictions, it’s very beneficial to me. Working out is a form of meditation for me because I’m not focused on anything in my head.

“It can transport you to a totally different place.”

We salute Demi Lovato for not only overcoming her personal demons… but for opening up in such a way that she can hopefully help others overcome theirs, as well.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Bikini Model Shows STUNNING Before-and-After Body Transformation!

This Australian model’s before-and-after bikini photos are stunning and reveal a dramatic transformation.

Not the before-and-after transformation that you expect, maybe.

But it’s exactly the sort of image that people need to see right now.

La’Tecia Thomas is a bikini model.

She’s done modeling in the past and she’s still doing it now.

Then and now, she’s gorgeous. Honestly her features remind us of Megan Fox, and we do not say that lightly.

All that’s really changed is, well, the size of the bikinis.

There are a lot of body transformation photos in this world. In most cases, the “before” pic dwarfs the “after” photo, as someone maps their personal weight loss journey.

La’Tecia’s story is a little different.

Take a look at the comparison photo that she posted to Instagram that’s earning her a lot of love.

Let’s be clear — she’s beautiful in both photos.

But in the picture on the left, where she has rock-hard abs and a slender frame, she was miserable.

In the snap on the right, she’s glowing with competence and, again, looks like a thicc Megan Fox.

In her caption, La’Tecia tells the story behind the images.

“I was going through my phone and I found this old photo of me back when I was training to compete in a bikini competition. So many people will look at this photo and make physical comparisons and say they would prefer me ‘before’. I prefer me at any weight as long as I’m happy.:

First of all, as you can imagine, she’s gotten a lot of comments saying that they prefer her “after” photo. 

And not just because the picture quality on the right is so much higher.

“It’s okay to love yourself no matter what your size is.”

That’s absolutely true! No matter what that one fat-shaming British mom who worried her daughter would “catch” being fat thinks.

They say that increased confidence and self-love is the key to weight loss, but it’s also just a key to happiness.

And then she talks about how different things were for her, before.

“I remember how unhappy I was In the picture to the left, I would loathe certain parts of my body- particularly my bum/ thighs because that was and is the hardest part of my body to lose.”

She was a size 8 at the time, but when you’re obsessed with weight-loss and sculpting your body, sometimes it’s hard to appreciate the results.

It’s sad but true.

“I had so many insecurities, I compared myself to other women and I lacked confidence.”

Now, she radiates confidence. You can see that in every single picture.

“Since changing my outlook on life and learning to embrace who I am, I know that hypothetically if I were to go back to what I used to be I would be so much happier and content than what I was because I’ve learned to love me.”


“Your mental health is just as important as your physical. Also I’m not saying it’s okay to be inactive and make unhealthy choices, I think it’s about finding balance, listen to your body, you know what’s best for it.”

Balance is the key to life.

Her post has over 60,000 likes, and that number is growing.

Different people’s bodies are wired to be different weights. Some find it easier than others to gain or lose fat or muscle mass.

That’s just how things are.

She’s found her balance and she’s clearly living her best life as a result.

And … did we mention that she’s gorgeous? Because she’s gorgeous.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Receives Butt Implants, Posts Graphic Before-and-After Pics

Last we checked in on her, Kailyn Lowry was preparing to split from Javi Marroquin

There’s still no word on whether or not the couple has officially called it quits, but based on her latest Snapchat upload, it looks like Kailyn is either making a last ditch effort to save her relationship – or she’s going all out in order to re-enter the single life:

Yes, that’s a before-and-after shot that Kailyn posted after getting some major work done last week. As you can see, she hasn’t quite healed yet. 

Dr. Michael Salzhauer, better known in celeb circles as “Dr. Miami” (seriously), offered Kailyn a discounted “Brazilian butt lift” recently, and it seems the Teen Mom star took him up on the offer.

Lowry announced several weeks ago that her husband, Marroquin, was soon to deploy for a tour of overseas duty with the US armed forces.

The couple has been so tight-lipped about his deployment that for all we know, he may have already left.

In any event, both parties have hinted that they planned to call it quits, rather than try to do the long distance thing for a year.

So we guess this is Kailyn’s way of announcing to the world that she’s single and ready to mingle. 

Hopefully she’ll wait for the bruising to subside before she starts hitting the club.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to relive the many ups and downs of Kailyn and Javi’s relationship. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Woman Ridiculed For Before-and-After Makeup Photos, Responds to Haters

When Ashley VanPevenage had an allergic reaction to benzoyl, and it caused her acne to flare up, she turned to a makeup artist friend for help.

The efforts of @MakeupByDreigh to help mask her skin where amazing, and Dreigh posted the before-and-after photos to her Instagram.

VanPevenage’s face went viral, but not in an entirely good way.

While Dreigh’s work was praised by many commenters, others used the photos as an opening to mock VanPevenage with a plethora of nasty memes.

“The reason why you gotta take a bitch swimming on the first date,” one Twitter user wrote, while another added, “This is why I have trust issues.”

Eight months later, VanPevenage is finally speaking out.

“I used to be entertained by many memes,” Ashley says on YouTube. But when it’s actually you and you’re dealing with all the harsh comments?”

“It’s a whole different story,” VanPevenage lamented.

“They’re very disturbing and hurtful,” she added. “After this picture was posted and I read all the comments, I lost all my confidence.”

“But I’ve realized that people’s opinions don’t matter. Everyone should feel beautiful in their natural skin and it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside.”

“The only thing that matters is who you really are.”

VanPevenage was applauded for her YouTube response, with commenters calling her “beautiful” and telling her to “keep [her] head up.”

Hopefully, she will heed exactly that advice.