Monday, October 2, 2017

Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 11 Recap: The Shahs Take Manhattan

The Shahs are ready to take Manhattan by storm!

On Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 11, everyone made their way to New York to support GG in her performance. We use the term “support” very loosely because we all know how much fighting this group does. 

When the episode got underway, MJ and Tommy were still very much at odds. After they slept if off, MJ refused to accept responsibility for the way she acted, and it proved she was kind of delusional. 

As id that was not bad enough, MJ leaped out of bed and started writing on the freshly painted wall. She wanted them, as a couple, to take some steps to fix their relationship. She also made it her mission to throw in some parenting classes. 

Sweetie, you can’t even look after yourself. 

In New York City, Shalom was mad about GG kissing another guy in the play, but what did he expect? She wants to be an actress, and that means she needs to play the part. 

He went crazy and said he was leaving and heading home. Like, what the hell is this dude’s problem? You would think he would play nice for the cameras, but instead, he’s showing everyone his real character. 

GG decided to ditch the play, but Mike told her she needed to do it because it would look bad on her, but she did not seem to want to do it. 

MJ and Reza even suggested she lie to Shalom about everything. Another fight ensued, and Shalom left once again, leaving Mike to try and pick up the pieces. 

The next morning, GG was engaged to Shalom, and all seemed right in the world. But, the proposal took place off-camera, so that’s not that good when these stars are allegedly showing their lives off for us. 

Reza and Adam visited the rabbi, and he told them about his experience of surrogacy and how it is such a beautiful thing. This helped the two men change their stance on the whole thing and brought them to tears. 

It all wrapped up with the group trying to egg Mike on to get back together with Jessica. Yes, maybe MJ is not the only deluded one in all of this. 

Also, where the heck was Asa? Is she leaving the show? She gets less screen time every week. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!
