Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Don"t Rock the Boat

Lydia McLaughlin was mad at Shannon Beador for icing her out of a dinner party when she is supposed to be a close friend of hers. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 13, Lydia seethed about the whole thing, but did she open her mouth about it to Shannon?

When the episode got underway, the ladies got ready to say goodbye to Lydia’s husband’s balls. Yes, it was time for the big vasectomy, and that also meant it was time for the party on a boat. 

These ladies always find a reason to party. It’s surprising Bravo has not released a book rounding up some of the craziest party ideas. 

Lydia was quick to point out to Meghan that she was not exactly impressed about being out on a group dinner without her. Meghan seemed put on the spot and tried to reassure her that there was no animosity towards her. 

None of the other women could come up with a worthy excuse about why she was iced out, so we are most definitely siding with Lydia on this one. Like, who would do that to their friend?

Things went from awkward to downright ghastly when David Beador took it upon himself to quiz Diko about Peggy’s cancer diagnosis. This is odd, and blatantly obvious he’s doing digging on behalf of Shannon. 

Tamra then apologized for not shutting Shannon down at Kelly’s party. Despite accepting the apology, Peggy was still skeptical and rightfully so. These women are always looking for a new fight. 

After the party, Shannon confided in her mother that there were issues between her and David. Her main issue seemed to center on her weight gain. Shannon wanted to blame the weight gain on all the fighting. 

Shannon noticed similarities in their relationship to the one her mother had with her father and questioned whether they were just hurting each other by being together. 

David then questioned Shannon’s upbringing and brought her down a few pegs. He even attacked the girls and wondering whether they were happy about their upbringing. 

Later, Diko revealed the truth to Peggy about David asking about her cancer. For Peggy, she felt like this was personal because everyone seems to want to know about her life and that was not okay. 

In her eyes, she had told the truth and felt like it was none of his business. Wouldn’t it have been fun to watch Peggy throw David over the boat? She did say she would have loved to. 

In the closing scenes, Vicki and Tamra decided to meet up for coffee to repair their fractured friendship, but will it work?

We don’t know, and we don’t really care. They fight on a daily basis and always make up. It’s tiring. Let’s move on from this tired attempt to create drama. 

What do you think of all the twists and turns?

Sound off below!
