Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jinger Duggar to Parents: Let Me Live My Own Life!

It’s been almost one year since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, and a whole lot has changed for the 23-year-old in that time.

For starters, Jinger and Jeremy moved to Laredo, Texas, thus making her the first Duggar daughter to permanently relocate outside of Arkansas.

In addition to putting some physical distance between herself and her parents, Jinger has moved away from Jim Bob and Michelle philosophically, as well.

Though he’s also a conservative Christian, Vuolo’s belief system differs greatly from the one Jinger was raised with, and it seems she’s now adopted most of her husband’s views.

Insiders say Vuolo and Jim Bob have butted heads over matters of religious doctrine on numerous occasions.

Despite the disagreements, however, Jim Bob reportedly concedes that Jinger should fall in line with her husband’s beliefs.

The Duggars adhere to strictly patriarchal worldview, which holds that all women should be subservient to their husbands.

Thus, Jim Bob has quietly ceded power over Jinger’s life to Jeremy.

So while it would be woefully inaccurate to describe Jinger’s life as free or independent (she’s still very much under Jeremy’s thumb, after all), she does enjoy certain liberties that were strictly off-limits to her growing up.

These days, Jinger wears pants as opposed to long skirts and dresses, and she expresses her views, even when she hasn’t been asked for her opinion by a male.

“They are their own people,” a source tells Radar Online of the Vuolos.

“They aren’t just clones. They have their own set of beliefs.”

The insider adds that despite rumors to the contrary, Jinger and Jeremy have experienced little in the way of pushback from her parents.

“They aren’t attacking their family’s belief system,” the insider said.

“The family doesn’t mind at all. They are thrilled to see them push out on their own.”

As for the fans who allege that Jinger’s new lifestyle amounts to thumbing her nose at her parents, the source says she and Jeremy have simply learned to ignore the haters.

“There will always be folks that hate what they don’t understand,” the source says.

“It’s sad, but that’s life.”

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
