Thursday, November 9, 2017

Amber Portwood Reveals Bizarre, Troubling Details of Her Pregnancy

Amber Portwood is really, truly pregnant with her second child

It looks like we’re really doing this thing.

The whole thing is just so confusing, because Amber’s always made it clear that she didn’t plan on having more children.

She’s said that the medication she takes for her mental illnesses would make it impossible for her to have a healthy pregnancy, because of the side effects the fetus would suffer.

And also because it simply wouldn’t be a good idea for her to be off those meds for nine months.

On top of that, she said all the way back on her 16 and Pregnant episode that she never planned on being a mother at all, so there’s that.

But at this point, it doesn’t really matter what she said or what she planned on, because she’s pregnant with this dude she’s only known for a few months and that’s just the way it is.

Like we said, we’re really doing this thing.

In a new interview with Us Weekly, Amber gives all sorts of details about her pregnancy: how far along she is, what she’s been craving, how father-to-be Andrew Glennon is dealing with it all.

She even addresses the issue of her medication — turns out she just stopped taking it a few months ago.

To be more specific, she stopped taking it a few months ago when she broke up with Matt Baier, to see if her issues stemmed from mental illness or being so closely involved with a great big douchebag.

“I wanted to see if I was just unhappy because of the things that were going on in my life,” she explains. “I needed to see where I was in my head and it’s a beautiful thing because I just feel better.”

“I feel happier and not so depressed.”

It’s worth mentioning that Amber’s said she suffers from borderline personality disorder and that she’s also bipolar — it’s not exactly a situation in which she may have felt depressed because of a bad relationship.

It’s also notable that with this timeline, she stopped taking her meds right around the same time that she started posting those truly bizarre Instagram videos in the middle of the night.

But sure, this is fine. This is all fine.

Amber admits that “When I first found out I was a little scared,” which is obviously totally natural.

“I don’t know what to expect,” she adds. “Having a new baby is new likes, new wants, new needs, so it’s very nerve-racking.”

About telling her family, she says “I was nervous. Obviously it’s non-traditional. Usually parents want you to be married first and things like that.”

“But you know me, if I didn’t do things the way I did, I wouldn’t be me.”

Too true.

As for Andrew, he of the multiple restraining orders, Amber says that he’s “very excited” and that he’s “already thinking about the future.”

“He’s already talking about reading baby books,” she says.

He’s not reading them yet, but he is talking about reading them. So.

“I’m very blessed,” she says, “and just happy that we’re starting this journey together, and can’t wait to see where we’ll be in a year, so I’m very excited.”

She’s two months along right now, so in a year she and Andrew will have about a five-month-old baby. How weird is that?

Speaking of weird things, Amber is already having some pretty wacky cravings: for example, she’s been eating sandwiches containing peanut butter, cheese, crackers, and pickles.

“Some people are probably going to be like, ‘ewww,"” she acknowledges. “But when I first found out I was pregnant, I really had a craving for that.”

“My brother made it up when we were young. It’s probably the weirdest craving I’ve had. That and chocolate milk.”

But don’t think she’s out there in Indiana, shoveling peanut butter, cheese, and pickle sandwiches in her mouth — she says that “Andrew is very adamant on making sure that I’m eating nothing but fruits, veggies, meats and organic foods.”

Sure, eating healthy foods is a great thing to do, especially during pregnancy, but when you combine that controlling little tidbit with the rest of Andrew’s history, it sounds a little like a red flag, right?

Not that it matters. Amber’s in way too deep now to run.

On a sweeter note, she says that while she’ll be “happy with whatever,” she’s hoping for a boy this time around — and so is her daughter, Leah.

“But I swear, to me, it’s a joy having a baby at all,” she adds.

We really, really hope that’s the case, and that Amber turns out to be a wonderful mother this time around, happy and healthy and just 100% good.

We’re not going to hold our breath though.
