Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wendy Williams on "Scary" Collapse: Darn You, Menopause!

A day after she fainted on live television, Wendy Williams sat down today on her talk show and detailed what transpired.

The irritating TV personality was dressed like the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday when her voice grew shaky… her eyes grew wide… and she just toppled right over.

You can watch the video at the top of this post to see the frightening incident take place.

We’ve never been a huge fan of Williams, due to her uninformed and obnoxious opinions, but even we got a bit scared checking out the footage of her fall.

Addressing what happened on Wednesday morning, Williams was overcome with emotion, even while she tried to keep the mood light.

Telling viewers the collapse was not any sort of stunt, Williams explained that she was feeling hot, a tad bit dizzy and “weird.” She knew something was not right.

“It was scary,” the host recalled, eyes filling with tears. “It was really scary.”

We’d have to imagine.

During the episode yesterday, many viewers were worried Williams might have been having a stroke, heart attack or something was wrong with her head, Williams said she only grabbed her noggin because:

“If it’s gonna go down, it’s going to be as cute as I can make it…

“I’m going down with the crown.”

After she completed the show and went back to her office on Halloween morning, she said some paramedics ran tests and determined she was low on electrolytes.

Her heart rate and blood pressure were “fine,” thankfully.

“I’m a 53-year-old middle-aged woman going through what middle-aged women go through if you know what I mean,” Williams later quipped, adding:

“The costume got hot. All the sudden right before passing out, I felt like I was in the middle of a campfire.”

Williams is referring here to menopause, fellas.

All joking aside, Williams ended her segment today by expressing gratitude to her fans, her staff and especially the medical personnel who made sure she was okay.

“I want to thank you all for your tweets and your flowers and my colleagues in this game on TV, I got all of your well wishes,” she said. 

The host then concluded on a lighter note, joking:

“For people who thought that I was [stroking out] trying to get this chair next, nope, I’m here for a long time.”

We’re glad to hear it.

As you can see below, we don’t love Wendy Williams.

But we’re glad she’s okay.
