Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kate Middleton Used to Do WHAT For a Living?!

Well, we all knew this day would come, but that doesn’t make the burden any easier to bear.

We don’t blame you if you’ve spent the past several weeks cowering in your bunker and avoiding all forms of media in hopes of prolonging your state of blissful ignorance just a few days more, but the time has come to face facts:

Like it or absolutely loathe it, Meghan Markle is leaving Suits.

“What is Suits?” some of you poor, ignorant souls might be asking.

Well, words are insufficient to describe the majesty of basic cable’s fourth most-popular legal drama, but imagine if Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Shonda Rhimes all collaborated on a quirky office dramedy.

Then make it like a million times doper and throw Her Hotness Meghan Markle in the mix.

Now, you’re beginning to get an idea of the glorious manna from Heaven that is Suits.

Needless to say, we’re bummed that Meg is leaving behind whoever her co-stars are for greener pastures, but when one marries into the royal family, one leaves full-time employment to the unwashed shlubs of the world,

Grace Kelly did it; Princess Di did it … even Kate Middleton did it:

Yes, believe it or not, there was a time when Duchess Kate punched a clock in the workaday world and toiled for her bread just like the rest of us.

Okay, “toiled” might be a bit of a strong word.

In fact Kate’s most recent (and, as far as we can tell, only) gig sounds like it was just about the cushiest non-royal job imaginable.

After graduating from St. Andrews University in 2005, Kate took a job as a buyer for the British fashion label Jigsaw.

Apparently, she arranged the brand’s founder, Belle Robinson, and worked just three days a week in order to accomodate her schedule as William’s girlfriend.

“And I have to say I was so impressed by her. There were days when there were TV crews at the end of the drive. We’d say, ‘Listen, do you want to go out the back way?"” Robinson once said of Kate.

“And she’d say, ‘To be honest, they’re going to hound us until they’ve got the picture. So why don’t I just go, get the picture done, and then they’ll leave us alone’. I thought she was very mature for a 26-year-old, and I think she’s been quite good at neither courting the press nor sticking two fingers in the air at them.”

Robinson adds that Kate was down-to-earth … ya know, by “future queen” standards.

“She sat in the kitchen at lunchtime and chatted with everyone from the van drivers to the accounts girls,” Robinson said.

“She wasn’t precious. A lot of people have distorted it to say we’re friends with her parents but I’ve only met them four times.”

These days Kate is pregnant with her third child, and the only high fashion buying she’s doing is for herself.

So there you have it.

Kate earned her posh part-time job before quitting the second her boyfriend put a ring on it.

Has she contributed anything to society as significant as Meghan’s role on Suits?

No, but really, who has?

Literally, the guy who cured polio, and that’s it.
