Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Audrey Roloff: I Can"t Get Enough of My Daughter!

Audrey Roloff recently said she was going to post a little less often on social media.

The Little People, Big World star said she’s found herself almost missing out on life, apologizing to God in a message this month about how she needs to stop more frequently and be grateful.

But here’s the thing…

… Ember Jean is just so gosh darn cute!

Therefore, despite her claims that she’d be taking an Instagram break, Audrey has hopped online a few times over the past several days.

On Tuesday night, for example, she shared the image above and wrote a lengthy caption to it, quoting the bible and showing her appreciation for motherhood.

“I’m torn between wanting her to fit in my palms forever, and being so excited to watch her personality unfold,” Audrey wrote, elaborating as follows:

“When I catch a gummy grin or listen to her little owl sounds I can’t help but unravel with joy.

“These are moments without the pressure of time, fully embraced and deeply cherished. Baby girl, you are a blessing, heritage, and reward.”

Roloff then cited Psalms 127:3-5 and added:

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Audrey, of course, has always been very open about her faith.

She’s also been open in general about some of her early struggles raising Ember.

Some mothers may take pride in making it sound or look easy.

But Audrey is all about being honest and keeping it real.

“My breastfeeding journey has not been easy,” Roloff wrote two weeks ago, for instance.

After struggling with severe pain while providing sustenance for her daughter, Audrey admitted she got very down on herself.

But she didn’t give up.

And now…

“Here we are two months later and Ember has been exclusively breastfeed for the past 5 weeks!!! So much hard work and prayers have come to fruition.”

We’re so very glad to hear it!

Concluded Audrey in her latest post, addressing her first child:

“I will probably kiss your little peach fuzzy head and sweet plump cheeks one hundred more times tonight.”

We totally understand.

TLC, meanwhile, is yet to announce a premiere date for new episodes of Little People, Big World.

But you can expect Audrey, Jeremy and Ember to be featured prominently when the season does finally premiere.

We can’t wait!
