Monday, November 20, 2017

Audrey Roloff Actually Got Trolled for THIS Outfit

Audrey Roloff recently announced that she is taking a break from social media.

And we don’t blame her.

Not one bit.

The Little People, Big World star referenced a re-commitment to God and religion upon telling followers last week that she’d be sharing fewer photos online.

But we bet her decision also had something to do with the grief she receives from trolls on a constant basis.

Take the above example, for instance.

Several days ago, Audrey took her precious daughter, Ember Jean, to the doctor’s office for a required two-month checkup.

“Ember’s two month check up! Getting so tall and so strong,” Roloff wrote as a simple and encouraging caption last Wednesday.

Good to know, right?

Fans were appreciative of the quick update and had nothing else to say on the topic, right?

Yeah… right. We wish.

Sadly, a handful of critics took issue with the attire Audrey wore to this appointment.

We wish we were kidding.

“Ripped & torn up. What a mess to go to the doctors office!” wrote one troll of Audrey’s jeans, while another had this to say:

“Put on a decent pair of pants to wear to a medical professionals office.”


FIRST, ripped jeans are actually considered a fashion forward statement these days. People pay a lot of money for this look.

SECOND, why does any stranger care what Audrey Roloff wears on any occasion?

THIRD, she is at the doctor’s office, not a baptism. What are people talking about?!?

Fortunately, we were not the only Internet users to rush to Audrey’s defense in light of this unfair and unwarranted criticism.

“I’m a doctor,” one individual even wrote. “Trust me when I say we don’t care at all about what patients or parents wear to the office.”

Another another defender:

“U can’t B serious, can U haters?”

We wish we could say this was an isolated incident, too.

But Roloff once got slammed for this Ember ensemble, while a few trolls dared to claim she was placing her child in danger simply because Amber was lying in a bouncer while surrounded by some wet wipes.

We’re serious.

Click below to see what we mean:

Thankfully, Audrey has taken the high road.

With a relative newborn at home, she has more important things to worry about than what some losers say via the World Wide Web.

“I posted this pic of Ember and i on my Facebook page . . .” Roloff wrote in reference to the first photo above, adding:

“And this was the top comment LOL.”

Audrey then shared a screen capture of the top comment, which read: “why would you wear those jeans to a doctors appointment?”

We’re glad she can laugh out loud about it.

We’re less glad that people on the Internet can suck so much.
