Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnant With Joseph Duggar"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, which means fans of Joe’s family are expecting a pregnancy announcement any day now.

After all, Duggars typically work fast in the procreation department.

It’s sort of what they’re known for.

So it should come as no surprise that the latest photos of Joe and Kendra seem to indicate that Kendra is expecting.

Of course, the Duggars are extremely careful about how information regarding their family is released.

As such, Joe and Kendra appear to be playing the big pregnancy news close to the vest.

The photo that has fans talking shows the newlyweds spending time with Kendra’s family.

As you can see, Kendra basically pulls a disappearing act in the pic, hiding behind her mom in a fashion that many fans find suspicious.

The image made the rounds of Reddit recently, and many of the site’s users found reason to be suspicious.

“The fact that Kendra has her entire body blocked by her mother is making me suspicious already,” wrote one fan.

“Is it a coincidence that Kendra’s whole body is behind her mother’s? If they want (to) hide a pregnancy, they’ve done it well since you can’t see Kendra at all,” commented another.

Obviously, the image isn’t exactly conclusive evidence that Kendra is expecting.

And it’s worth noting that Duggar fans have been dead wrong about pregnancy suspicions many times in the past.

You need to look no further than the Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors that are still in circulation for evidence of that.

Still, Kendra’s positioning in the pic is … interesting, to say the least.

And why would the Duggars go to such great pains to keep a pregnancy under wraps?

Well, at this point, big announcements such as baby news are basically what’s keeping their reality series afloat.

If the news gets out some other way, say, through social media, then the Duggars are out a much-needed one-time ratings boost.

Is it a bit on the cynical side? Of course!

But as scandalous Duggar behavior goes, hiding a pregnancy is extremely mild.

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