Thursday, November 2, 2017

Jessa Duggar Wows Fans With Anniversary Letter to Ben Seewald

Hard to believe, but it’s been three full years since Jessa Duggar married Ben Seewald in front of 1,500 of their closest friends and relatives.

The Seewalds celebrated their anniversary on Wednesday, and Jessa marked the occasion with a touching open letter to the father of her two children:

“I thought we’d reached the pinnacle of our love on this day, three years ago… but since then, you’ve taken me from the mountain top up into the clouds! Darling, I love you more today than ever before,” Jessa wrote on her personal website.

Yes, she busted out the Austen-esque purple prose right from the start.

From there Jessa continued to sing Ben’s praises, but she also conceded that there have been some rough patches during their time together.

“Sure, we worked through our squabbles and disagreements, like anyone else. But because of your meekness and gentleness in the midst of trials, I always come out loving you even more,” she wrote.

Jessa being a Duggar, she devoted much of the letter to praising Ben’s piety, writing:

“When I wake in the wee hours of the morning to tend to Henry and you’re not beside me in bed, I know that you’re already up reading and studying your bible. 

“Many a time I have walked into the spare bedroom and discovered you there, kneeling beside the bed, in prayer… and it’s brought tears to my eyes.”

She added:

“I have loved our recently developing family devotions, as you lead us in prayer and reading the word. And though I laughed a bit and felt a teeny bit awkward at first, I’m now especially loving the aspect of singing together, with the boys, in family worship.”

There have been rumors of Ben butting heads with Jim Bob Duggar over religious differences, so Jessa might be subtly assuring fans that Ben is sufficiently devout and all is well on that score.

Jessa’s sense of humor shines through in her letter, and she affirms that Ben is a bit more “modern” than the other Duggar men by revealing that he’s skilled in a wide variety of household chores:

“Ok, can I brag on your cooking skills for a min? How is it that you can think up recipes off the top of your head, and they actually taste good?” Jessa writes.

“I, on the other hand, try to be a cool chef… so I substitute sour cream when we run out of milk for the pancakes. It’s dairy, right? No, that was not ok.”

Jessa concludes by praising Ben’s sense of humor and selfless devotion to making her happy:

“You’re one of the most down-to-earth and humble people I know. I love that we have fun and laugh together,” she writes.

“I love your made-up jokes and your cheesy play on words. You have me laughing out loud all the time. I genuinely love your sense of humor. 

“The list of the things I love about you is endless. I am forever being reminded of just how incredibly blessed I am to call you mine.”

Happy anniversary to these perennial fan favorites.

Here’s to many more!

Watch Counting On online to relive Ben and Jessa’s years of wedded bliss. 
