Monday, November 6, 2017

Texas Shooting: Stars React to Massacre in Baptist Church

Another mass shooting has taken place in the United States.

Around 11:30 a.m. on Sunday in Sutherland Springs, Texas, a man dressed in all black clothing entered First Baptist Church and opened fire.

(The suspect has been identified as a 26-year old local named Devin Patrick Kelly.)

He"s believed to have killed at least 26 people, including someone as young as five years old, while injuring dozens more.

In light of this tragedy, here"s a look at what various celebrities have said on social media…

1. Donald Trump

Donald trump

May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan.

2. Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea clinton

No one should have to worry about loved ones in a house of worship, a nightclub, a school or at a concert. #SutherlandSprings you’re in my [heart].

3. Camilla Belle

Camilla belle

My heart goes out to the victims and their loved ones. This is horrifying. Church is supposed to be a safe place …

4. Josh Gad

Josh gad

Another day. Another mass shooting. Will it ever end? Heartbroken for all those affected. #Texas

5. Billy Eichner

Billy eichner

Where’s the next mass shooting gonna be? Any guesses? Should we try to do anything we can to prevent it? No? Ok cool. Good luck out there!

6. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

Prayers for #SanAntonio and all the families who are suffering the loss of loved ones. I’ll pray also for #GunControl

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