Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Teen Mom OG Trailer: Pregnancy Tests, Breakups, Firings, and MORE!

It"s official: Teen Mom OG is back, at long last.

It feels so good, doesn"t it?

It"s not that we don"t love the Teen Mom 2 girls — we"ll always have a special place in our hearts for Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn, and Leah (and maybe one day Briana but probably not).

But nobody would know anything about those ladies if it wasn"t for the OGs.

For the past few months, there"s been a lot going on in the lives of Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, and Farrah Abraham.

We"ve been curious about what would make it onto the show this season, and thanks to this brand new supertease, we know quite a bit more about what"s to come.

Spoiler: it"s so much drama.

The teaser starts off with Ryan Edwards — fresh out of rehab, he tells his new wife, Mackenzie Standifer, that "I know if I don"t get Bentley, I"m gonna hurt somebody."

Ooh, threats over custody, starting off strong!

Next, we see Maci tell her husband, Taylor, that Ryan had been threatening her repeatedly, just after getting out of rehab — something we saw for ourselves thanks to social media.

On the bright side, Ryan really does seem way more alert here. On the not-so-bright side, he"s still awful.

From there we go up to Michigan, where Catelynn is talking to a producer about the possibility of having another child — she"s scared because she had such bad postpartum depression after giving birth to Nova.

Meanwhile, Amber has had it with Matt Baier, so much that she yells at him "You did not change. Get out of my life. Go!"

He then speeds off in the Corvette he "bought" for "her," so that"s cute.

As for Farrah, she"s still not too fond of her mother"s now-husband, and we know that because we see her tell Debra "I wish that you would not date somebody who is so narrow-minded and horrible, so when we"re not at your wedding, you know why."

(She did end up going to the wedding, but we"ll have to go on that journey on the show, won"t we?)

Let"s see, what else … Ryan nearly cries while saying "We"re gonna go to court," apparently talking about custody issues with Bentley.

It seems like Maci had been keeping Bentley from him after rehab, and rightfully so, but that Ryan had decided to go to court for a formal custody agreement so that Maci wouldn"t be allowed to call all the shots.

It sounds like Maci thinks his plan will backfire though — she says "Good luck, buddy, because that judge isn"t going to give you half of what I"ve given you."

Oh, and then Amber takes a pregnancy test! It looks like we"ll get to see her breakup with Matt, the beginnings of her relationship with Andrew Glennon, and the pregnancy, all in one season!

On a less exciting, but still very dramatic note, the trailer ends with Farrah being told that if she continues to work in the adult industry, they wouldn"t be able to continue filming her for Teen Mom.

The conversation apparently does not go well.

Check out all these incredible moments and more in the trailer below!

Teen mom og trailer pregnancy tests breakups firings and more