Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Katharine McPhee Responds to David Foster Dating Rumors!

Men and women can totally just be friends. But we guess that when you have no regrets after an affair with a married man, people start to look at you with a lot of careful scrutiny.

Which explains why people have a lot of questions for Katharine McPhee about how close her friendship with David Foster really is.

Especially considering what David’s own daughter said about Katharine and David’s relationship.

In an interview with Health, Katharine McPhee opens up on her current romance situation … and tries to set the record straight about David Foster.

“I’m pretty single,” she begins.

That’s not the clearest statement that she could make.

Pretty single can mean very single, or it can mean more or less single. Or even kind of single. This kind of ambiguity isn’t super helpful when you’re trying to “clear things up.”

Katharine continues:

“I had a relationship with my lead actor on my show [Elyes Gabel]; that was almost two years.”

That show being Scorpion, which is almost unbearably awful but … it’s a CBS show. The network airs The Big Bang Theory and had the monstrous audacity to give it a spin-off.

That network may be headed by phantasmal entities that feed off of human suffering, which would explain a lot of their programming.

(Yes, I watched the pilot of Scorpion, and I can never get that hour of my life back)

“I still am crazy about him,” Katharine says of her ex and costar. “And we have a really great working relationship.”

That must be tough, and she acknowledges that.

“It’s definitely not the easiest thing to get over someone you see every day! It’s still an adjustment.”

Well, that’s her ex — what’s going on now?

“But I haven’t had anything super serious since.”

Well, though Katharine McPhee and David Foster have never been strangers, rumors about the two of them spiked recently.

David Foster has a number of children — Gigi Hadid being arguably the most famous — but it was Erin Foster’s post in September that got rumors churning.

Erin snapped a photo of Katharine and David, captioning it: “Excited about my new step mom.”

Not everyone took this seriously — in addition to being older than Katharine McPhee, Erin Foster is a comedy writer.

But the rumors exist nonetheless.

Katharine explains how that post came to be:

“So we were sitting there at the table, and she said, ‘Do you wanna, like, do a thing?"”

Good that Erin asked for permission.

“And I was like, ‘OK.’ So I mean, we were in on it. She’s so funny — I mean, you saw what she wrote about ‘my parents."”

It was funny.

“Truly,” Katharine continues. “You think that’s how she’d announce it? On Instagram?”

That’s almost adorably naive — plenty of celebrities would announce things like that on Instagram.

Katharine goes on to try to provide a little more context for her friendship with David Foster.

“We’re very close friends, and we’ve been friends for a long time.”

12 years, by our count.

“I’m really, really fond of him, and I think he’s an incredible person.”

It’s great to have a high opinion of your friends.

“I’ve known him since I was 21 years old, you know?”

That’s where we get the 12 years — because Katharine is 33. Math.

“He produced my first single. So he’s been really good to me.”

David Foster is, of course, a music producer. It’s nice that they’re also friends.

But Katharine maintains a realistic idea of how rumors work.

“People can say whatever they want.”

We wouldn’t say that she categorically denied that there’s anything going on between herself and David Foster.

But she’s definitely shooting down the idea that she’s banging Gigi Hadid’s dad.

And, quite frankly, there’s no real reason to believe that she is.

Still, we think that she did herself a favor by addressing the rumor instead of just allowing it to float around unchallenged.
