Thursday, December 14, 2017

Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff: See Their Christmas Card!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff just gave us another reason to be grateful for this holiday season.

The beloved Little People, Big World stars have been filling their Instagram accounts with cute family photos over the past few weeks, most them Christmas-themed.

For instance…

Cute, right?

Prepare yourselves, however.

Because it’s about to get A LOT cuter.

On Wednesday night, Audrey jumped on her favorite social media account once again, this time to take followers behind the scenes of her family Christmas card shoot.

Along with the following photo, Audrey wrote as a caption:

“This week we started moving everything from our garage back into our house just in time to enjoy some snuggling under our tree and snap a Christmas card photo of the three of us and pine the kitty in our new home.”

She added:

“I love Christmas cards Every December our fridge is full of them, photos of the families I love so much, reminding me to lift each of them up in prayer.

“Wanna swap cards with us?! See how over on @beating50 Can’t wait to share rest of the these photos with y’all.”

Audrey and Jeremy recently took their daughter Christmas tree shopping, while Audrey shared an update on their precious three-month bundle of joy.

Yes, Ember Jean is now three months old. How crazy is that?!?

It seems like just yesterday she was born.

Finally, Audrey treated her fans this week to something unique, funny and special.

The TLC personality shared an image of her and Jeremy acting all goofy; which, by her own account, doesn’t happen very often.

“I wouldn’t consider Jeremy and I to be silly,” Audrey wrote, adding in detail:

“We’re far more inclined to spend the evening in a serious debate, working on new ideas for our ministries, or casting vision for our future.

“Sometimes I think we need to schedule “play dates” instead of “date nights.”

Why is this? Explains Audrey:

“Our date nights often become work brainstorming sessions. If any of you married couples out there run businesses or ministries together, I’m sure you can relate.

“We try to set boundaries on date night – no bringing up big looming decisions, finances, work, you know… the stuff grows the gray hairs. But we fail.”

Always open and candid about her relationship, Audrey continued in her caption:

Sometimes I think we need to just lighten up.

Read a novel instead of the news and self-help… Watch a comedy instead of apologetics, mysteries, and documentaries….

Give each other our undivided attention, instead of constantly multitasking… Maybe we just need to stop idolizing productivity and give ourselves permission to play. Maybe you need permission to play too? Who cares if it’s cheesy!

Dress up in matching PJ’s, have a tickle fight, or suspend yourself in the air balancing on your husbands feet;) Let’s not undermine the value of playfulness.

Also an especially profound individual, Audrey recently wondered about the meaning of love.

In this case, she concluded:

And yes, my postpartum abs thanked me for this picture;)

