Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Gretchen Rossi: Returning to RHOC to Ruin Tamra Judge"s Life?!

We’ve heard that one of the priorities that producers had for this past season was to try to reunite Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge.

That goal was apparently why they brought back Lydia McLaughlin. And, mission more or less accomplished, they’ve now fired Lydia McLaughlin. Make of that what you will.

But that doesn’t mean that Tamra is headed for a drama-free life. Because it looks like Gretchen Rossi is going to make an epic return to The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Tamra Judge and Gretchen Rossi aren’t exactly what you’d call friends.

You might think that, with Gretchen no longer on The Real Housewives of Orange County, the ongoing dislike between the two of them might have cooled off during the past season.

Out of sight, out of mind, you know?

Instead, things actually reached a boiling point — no, they more or less exploded — between Gretchen and Tamra.

See, back in August, Sidney Barney slammed Tamra Judge as a bad mother, accusing neglect and emotional abuse.

Sidney, not an adult, alleged that her estranged mother continued to use her as a storyline despite her repeated requests to not be mentioned, that Tamra misrepresented her relationship with Sidney to gain sympathy from followers, and that Tamra basically just sucks.

Sidney said that a little more eloquently, but you get the idea.

How did Gretchen respond to Sidney’s post?

With sympathy and support. Gretchen wrote in a publicly visible reply to Sidney’s post:

“You have no idea how your brave words are helping so many who have been wronged by your mother’s manipulation and lies as well … “

We honestly doubt that this was Sidney’s intention, but Gretchen was clearly making this about her.

“So thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth.”

“I am so sorry your mother and your family is going through any of this, especially publicly, but continue to stay strong.”

“Your morals and strength are commendable and inspiring.”

That is classic the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right there.

Well, it looks like Tamra’s life is about to get a whole lot more stressful.

RadarOnline reports that Gretchen Rossi is being courted to return to The Real Housewives of Orange County.

For a price.

“Gretchen is willing to return, but producers know she will only sign if they offer the kind of money she can’t refuse.”

According to their source, Gretchen wants the kind of salary that Vicki Gunvalson is making.

Reportedly, Vicki is pulling in about $ 750,000 a year. But apparently producers think that Gretchen might be worth it.

“Producers for RHOC know that they need someone who is going to bring the drama, and Gretchen will certainly do just that.”

She’ll certainly do that.

After Vicki and Tamra ever-so-slightly mended fences in Iceland, producers will want new, fresh drama that doesn’t threaten to derail the entire series.

They’ll also need it to be a source of reliable drama, too.

“Gretchen will never, ever make up with Tamra.”

That sounds much better than the random fights that the now-fired Peggy Sulahian used to engage in for no reason other than the fact that cameras were rolling.

“The two hate each other so much and it does not matter to Gretchen whether or not Vicki let it go because she will not.”

Gretchen and Vicki, of course, are still friends. But it sounds like Gretchen won’t hold back.

You know that Vine (who else is excited about Vine 2?!) where the kid does his impression of Real Housewives by stuffing his shirt hilariously and then saying “I won’t hesitate, bitch” while pointing a toy gun?

That, it sounds like, is what we can look forward to from the next season of The Real Housewvies of Orange County.

Assuming that producers cough up the requisite dough, that is.

With Meghan King Edmonds remaining on the show because she’s pregnant and Gretchen a likely castmate, we’re reportedly still looking at at least three new castmates being added to the roster for next season.

It’ll be interesting to see what sort of dynamic the producers cook up.
