Thursday, January 25, 2018

Audrey Roloff: THIS is How You Fall in Love with God

Audrey Roloff has a lot to say about religion, love and family.

Yes, again.

The Little People, Big World star has become almost as well-known for her message about faith and God as she has for anything else, which has resulted in a bit of backlash against her.

It’s great to be open about one’s beliefs, of course.

And no one really doubts that Audrey is sincere.

But some critics out there have hurled some hate Roloff’s way because she often combines talk about God with a promotion for her own clothing line or some other item she wants readers to purchase.

It can come across as a bit tacky.

In her latest post, however, Roloff at least doesn’t include a link to her online store.

Instead, she speaks at length about her husband, Jeremy, and how her relationship with him is akin to her relationship with the Highest Power.

And it all starts with this throwback photo…

“Old photo alert! Even though we had to run and push start this bus many times, I do miss Blue Moon,” wrote Audrey to open her lengthy caption, adding:

“It was our means of transportation when we were falling in love.”

Audrey then goes on to offer more marital advice.

“I didn’t fall in love with Jeremy by spending time with him on Sunday and thinking about him on occasion throughout the week,” she explains.

“Rather, I fell in love with Jeremy by spending time with him and getting know who he was, is, and wanted to become.

“The more time I spent with Jeremy the better I knew him, and the more I grew to love him.”

Not exactly an Earth-shattering revelation here, is it? 

Of course one falls in love with someone else by getting to know this other person and spending as much time with him or her as possible.

But then Roloff gets into the crux of her point, which is that you ought to view your connection to God through the same lens.

“Falling more in love with God is no different,” she preaches, expounding as follows:

“We do it by spending time with Him, and reading His word in order to know who He was, is and will be! And the more we love Him, the more we will be capable of loving others.”

Roloff does this push her “Always More” brand as she continues, once again turning off some fans by making it seem like she’s simply exploiting her faith to earn some cold, hard cash.

“As Christians, our entire life should emulate the love of Christ. Jesus tells us, in the Gospel of John, that everyone will be able to distinguish whether or not we are His disciples by how we “love one another.”

“No matter how dark and broken this world or your life may seem right now, there is ALWAYS MORE reason to love. Let love be the reason for everything you do, think, say, and are.

“We are ALWAYS capable of loving God and others MORE and MORE. ALWAYS MORE.”

Roloff concludes by quoting the bible:

1 John 3:18 “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

This is also a theme Audrey has hammered home frequently, the idea that one must take action when it comes to love and affection.

Love is a verb; she doesn’t just like to say this, she sells t-shirts with that quote emblazoned on them.

And she sometimes uses her daughter to help her do so.

That daughter is extremely cute, however. See for yourself below:
