Thursday, January 4, 2018

Jordyn Duggar: Did Her Parents Forget Her Birthday?!

Last month, Jordyn Duggar turned 9 years old.

Her family celebrated Jordyn’s birthday in true Duggar fashion by assembling a massive crowd of siblings to sing to her about Jesus.

They even posted photos and video of the occasion on social media for all of their fans to enjoy.

But some of those fans believe something was amiss with the celebration.

You see, Jordyn’s birthday follows closely after that of her younger sister, Josie.

With 19 children, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are obviously accustomed to back-to-back birthday celebrations, but Josie’s is more of a special occasion than most.

Born three months premature, 8-year-old Josie is often referred to as the Duggar’s “miracle baby.”

As the youngest in the family, she reportedly enjoys the lion’s share of her parents’ attention and affection. 

It’s a situation the other Duggars have reportedly come to accept, but some fans feel the Josie-worship went too far recently, and they’re accusing Jim Bob and Michelle of getting so caught up in the birthday of their youngest daughter that they forgot about Jordyn entirely.

As we pointed out earlier, the Duggars did, in fact, celebrate Jordyn’s birthday, but fans on Reddit believe they did so only after being reminded of the occasion on social media.

“It’s mid-afternoon and still no happy birthday post for Jordyn. Because something always seems to be more important than Jordyn. The story of her poor, lost life,” one fan remarked on Jordyn’s big day.

“There is just such a history of the poor girl being overshadowed by Josie. It breaks my heart and I don’t even know the kid. I want to adopt her as an ‘unofficial niece’ and spoil her with love and attention,” another commented.

Other fans pointed out that Jordyn’s birthday was further eclipsed by the announcement that Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell are expecting their first child:

“Wouldn’t whoever announced Jendra’s pregnancy have known that today is Jordyn’s birthday?” wrote one Reddit user.

“Common sense would tell them to delay announcing it for 2 days till Wednesday or the end of the week. But I guess we can wish her if her family can’t. Happy birthday Jordyn!”

When the Duggars did finally acknowledge Jordyn on social media, it was too little, too late for many fans:

“I wonder if they’ve seen comments surrounding how they ‘forgot’ her birthday because her b-day message seems longer than normal lol albeit the same generic stuff,” wrote one follower.

“They literally didn’t post it until darned near her bedtime. They probably had to edit Josie out of all her pictures,” remarked another.

With 18 siblings, we’re sure Jordyn is accustomed to not being the center of attention, but that doesn’t make the possibility that the Duggars forgot a 9-year-old’s birthday any easier to accept.

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