Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Scott Disick Freaks Out at Kourtney Over Younes Bendjima!

These days, Scott Disick is enjoying his "nympho" girlfriend Sofia Richie and seems almost stable. But that wasn"t always the case.

Like most reality television, Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs months after its filmed. So we"re just now seeing Scott"s 2017 meltdown drama.

Which means that, as you"ll see in the video below, viewers are now treated to Scott freaking out over Kourtney"s young, hot boyfriend.

It"s no secret that Scott Disick doesn"t like Kourtney Kardashian dating Younges Bendjima. He has made that very, very clear on various Keeping Up With The Kardashians clips.

But now we"re gaining more insight into exactly how Scott uses his own bad behavior to act out for attention.

For Kourtney"s attention.

Khloe summarizes the pattern at play pretty darn well:

"So you told him you have a boyfriend, now he"s doing this ‘cause he knows that every time he does that you come over there running."

That"s a very unhealthy pattern of behavior.

Kourtney says that it"s really draining her: "I just honestly don"t have the energy."

She continues her story, speaking to Khloe and to Kim.

"So yeah I went to Scott"s house because he called me and was really out of it."

So … is that code for "drunk," or are we just guessing that because of how he spent so much of 2017?

Alarmingly, it sounds like Scott"s freakout was enough to drive Kourtney away.

"He was just very aggressive. And then I was like, ‘I"m leaving!""

Weird that Scott had no problem banging his way through a bunch of hot models born in 1998, but the moment that he finds out that Kourtney"s enjoying a model of a 1993 vintage, he starts to freak out.

Kourtney didn"t appreciate that one bit.

"And then I just started crying and I was like, ‘I do not need to even be here.""

She"s right. You do not need to babysit your ex just because his man feelings are hurt.

It sounds like Scott worried her enough that she had to instruct him.

"And then I was like, ‘Just sit down!" Literally, you have talk to him like crazy, otherwise he won"t listen."

Like … like a dog?

"So I"m like, ‘Sit down across the room from me."

She had some serious questions for him.

"What the f–k is wrong with you? When is it going to be enough?"

Kourtney summarizes exactly why she doesn"t need to be holding the hand of a man-child.

"I have three kids to take care of.""

Exactly. Her nurturing instincts don"t need to be wasted on Scott.

Of course, like we said, this is from months ago. We know that this has a "happy" ending, since … well, Scott ends up with Sofia Richie and we guess that the relationship serves as a balm for his insecurities.

Here"s the video:

Scott disick freaks out at kourtney over younes bendjima