Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Aspyn Brown: Eldest Sister Wives Daughter Engaged to Mitch Thompson!

Rejoice or despair (or both!), because Sister Wives is back.

But as much drama as the new season is packing, some of the family’s developments haven’t even made it on camera yet.

And not all of those developments are bad things. One of the many, many children in the family has gotten engaged!

It’s kind of funny — the Duggars had a big reality series, 19 Kids and Counting, highlighting the scope of their ever-growing brood. The whole selling point to lure viewers was that their fertility cult has so many children.

The Brown family on Sister Wives has nearly as many children — 18 — and yet that’s not the real focus.

In part because the big draw is that the series follows Kody and his wives, because their family is polygamous.

But also because the Brown family “cheats” by having multiple mothers give birth. That doesn’t carry as much shock value as one woman birthing so many children.

Recent episodes of Sister Wives have covered Christine’s daughter, Mykelti, as she prepares to marry Tony, her fiance.

And now another of Christine’s children has gotten engaged.

(Here she is with her father on his birthday, just a few days ago)

Aspyn Brown is Kody’s eldest daughter with Christine — who is his third wife. (Sometimes it can be hard to keep track, we know)

Aspyn was born in 1995, and is just slightly younger than Kody’s son with Janelle, Logan. 

As it turns out, Aspyn and her new fiance, Mitch Thompson, have been friends since childhood.

It seems that Kody had always wanted this pairing for his daughter, and joked on social media that he even “conspired” to make it happen. (Parents love to take credit)

Aspyn Brown tells People all about the great news!

“We are both so excited to start our life together”

And she describes their shared personal history.

“We were raised in the same church group, and I had a little crush on him.”

Awww. Most childhood crushes don’t pan out, but this one clearly did.

But at first, it seemed that they both went their separate ways.

“We went different directions until a rally some of my family attended in Utah, where we both happened to be.”

This rally was one to protest against laws that would impose harsher penalties upon polygamous relationships.

(If you want to oppose those scary polygamous cults, pass laws protecting children; micromanaging the marriage choices of consenting adults just seems downright un-American)

“My dad’s brother asked what ever happened between us, which was nothing, because neither of us did anything about it. So I decided to call him.”

And, well, one thing led to another.

Mitch (full name David Mitchell Thompson) decided to propose while the two were in Seattle.

He popped the question on December 30th.

“We got dressed up and took a walk to the waterfront before dinner, where he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.”

And her reaction is so sweet.

“I was so happy, I said yes immediately and pulled him up to kiss me before he could even put on the ring.”

The couple plans to keep their wedding relatively simple, though they don’t know when it will be.
