Showing posts with label Eldest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eldest. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Josh & Anna Duggar Continue Comeback Tour With Tribute to Eldest Daughter

Well Duggar fans, whether you like it or not, Jim Bob and Michelle’s eldest child is slowly worming his way back into your lives.

Many feared a day would come when Josh Duggar would once again be foisted upon an unsuspecting public, and a handful of perverse weirdos have been openly hoping for it.

But whether you’re currently celebrating or cringing yourself into oblivion, there’s no denying that the second coming of Josh is close at hand.

We won’t bother to brief you on Josh’s sex crimes or the various other ways he’s shown himself to be less than a model of Christian virtue.

Instead, we’ll skip right to the ongoing effort to rebuild his reputation:

It started with the announcement that Josh and Anna were celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the day that they got engaged.

Yes, the Duggars were in such a hurry to push this agenda that they couldn’t even wait until the actual wedding anniversary.

Shortly thereafter, Josh and Anna made a public appearance together, posing for pics at the wedding of family friends Josie Bates and Kelton Balka.

This may not sound like a big deal, but it’s the first time that the couple has appeared in public at a non-family event since 2015.

Let’s not forget that when Josh attended Joy-Anna Duggar’s wedding last year, his family was still so keen to sweep him under the rug that he was edited out of footage shot by TLC.

Now, in keeping with the proud Duggar tradition, Josh and Anna are getting their kids in on the act.

Or at least one of their kids, anyway …

Mackynzie Duggar turned 9 this week, and Anna celebrated by posting the above pic along with a touching caption.

“Nine years ago today we transitioned from newlyweds to a family of three when our first daughter Mackynzie was born,” Anna wrote.

“Mackynzie, it has been a joy to watch you grow into such a kind, fun and caring young lady!” she added.

“You live up to the meaning of your name as you are a wise leader! I am thrilled to watch you love Jesus, love others and strive to do what is right!”

Now obviously, Mackynzie is totally innocent, and we hope her birthday was a joyous occasion.

But these days, it’s hard not to be skeptical of everything that Anna posts — particularly when said posts are coming out so much more frequently that any other point in the past three years.

Just don’t say we didn’t warn you when Josh is making regular appearances on Counting On next season!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jill Duggar: Pregnancy CONFIRMED By Eldest Son?!

We don’t need to tell you there are many strange things about life in the Duggar family.

Most of these eccentricities are the result of the family’s strict fundamentalist belief system.

But some of the customs and traditions that may cause the outside world to look askance at the Duggars seem to have nothing to do with the family’s religious views.

Take, for example, the family’s love of pickles.

If you’re a longtime fan, then you’re no doubt aware that the Duggars really, really love their brined cucumbers.

Like, to the extent that a child trying his first pickle is considered a milestone event to be documented and shared on social media.

Earlier this week, Jill Duggar’s eldest son, Israel, bit into his first Vlasic, but the momentous occasion was overshadowed by a comment he made in the video shot by his mother.

“We’re gonna have another baby,” Izzy tells Jill in the clip.

Jill responds with apparent confusion, saying, “Another baby? What?” but after that, both parties drop the subject.

Many fans think it was Jill’s way of coyly hinting that she’s indeed pregnant with her third child.

As is the case with all married females in the Duggar clan, rumors that Jill is pregnant circulate pretty much non-stop, but rarely they supported by such seemingly solid evidence.

Israel very much seems as though he’s repeating something he’s been told, and despite her best efforts, Jill’s incredulity routine isn’t terribly convincing.

And of course, the news would come as no surprise, as both Jill and her controversial husband, Derick Dillard, have gone on record as saying they’d like to have as many children as possible.

“Both of us want as many kids as God will give us and we’ve talked about adoption,” Jill said in an interview not long after her wedding.

“My parents have kept popping them out — so we’ll see how [our] fertility is!”

Thus far, it seems fertility is not an issue for Jill.

Finances, on the other hand, might be a very different story.

In November of 2017, Derick was fired from Counting On after launching a transphobic tirade at fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Shortly thereafter, Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving the family with no source of income.

In the months since, Jill has resumed working as a midwife, but the fact that she lacks the qualifications and accreditations will likely prevent her from turning much of a profit with her latest business venture.

For his part, Derick does not appear to have sought new employment at all.

So in all likelihood, Jill and Derick have another child on the way – but we hope they realize that means one of them will need to bite the bullet and get a full-time job.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Aspyn Brown: Eldest Sister Wives Daughter Engaged to Mitch Thompson!

Rejoice or despair (or both!), because Sister Wives is back.

But as much drama as the new season is packing, some of the family’s developments haven’t even made it on camera yet.

And not all of those developments are bad things. One of the many, many children in the family has gotten engaged!

It’s kind of funny — the Duggars had a big reality series, 19 Kids and Counting, highlighting the scope of their ever-growing brood. The whole selling point to lure viewers was that their fertility cult has so many children.

The Brown family on Sister Wives has nearly as many children — 18 — and yet that’s not the real focus.

In part because the big draw is that the series follows Kody and his wives, because their family is polygamous.

But also because the Brown family “cheats” by having multiple mothers give birth. That doesn’t carry as much shock value as one woman birthing so many children.

Recent episodes of Sister Wives have covered Christine’s daughter, Mykelti, as she prepares to marry Tony, her fiance.

And now another of Christine’s children has gotten engaged.

(Here she is with her father on his birthday, just a few days ago)

Aspyn Brown is Kody’s eldest daughter with Christine — who is his third wife. (Sometimes it can be hard to keep track, we know)

Aspyn was born in 1995, and is just slightly younger than Kody’s son with Janelle, Logan. 

As it turns out, Aspyn and her new fiance, Mitch Thompson, have been friends since childhood.

It seems that Kody had always wanted this pairing for his daughter, and joked on social media that he even “conspired” to make it happen. (Parents love to take credit)

Aspyn Brown tells People all about the great news!

“We are both so excited to start our life together”

And she describes their shared personal history.

“We were raised in the same church group, and I had a little crush on him.”

Awww. Most childhood crushes don’t pan out, but this one clearly did.

But at first, it seemed that they both went their separate ways.

“We went different directions until a rally some of my family attended in Utah, where we both happened to be.”

This rally was one to protest against laws that would impose harsher penalties upon polygamous relationships.

(If you want to oppose those scary polygamous cults, pass laws protecting children; micromanaging the marriage choices of consenting adults just seems downright un-American)

“My dad’s brother asked what ever happened between us, which was nothing, because neither of us did anything about it. So I decided to call him.”

And, well, one thing led to another.

Mitch (full name David Mitchell Thompson) decided to propose while the two were in Seattle.

He popped the question on December 30th.

“We got dressed up and took a walk to the waterfront before dinner, where he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.”

And her reaction is so sweet.

“I was so happy, I said yes immediately and pulled him up to kiss me before he could even put on the ring.”

The couple plans to keep their wedding relatively simple, though they don’t know when it will be.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Video of Eldest Son

Just about everything the Duggars do is scrutinized and criticized these days, and most of it is understandable.

After all, this is the family that helped hide several incidents of child molestation from authorities, so that the perpetrator, Josh Duggar, wouldn’t face punishment.

But there were victims and bystanders in the family as well, and unfortunately, they’re often judged as harshly as the guilty parties.

The latest target of anti-Duggar sentiments is mother of two Jessa Duggar.

These days, it seems Jessa is shamed for literally everything she does that involves her two sons, Spurgeon and Henry.

Jessa has hit back against the mommy-shamers in the past, but the practice of putting her down for her every parenting decision has continued unabated.

Much of the criticism has to do with Jessa’s raising of her eldest son, Spurgeon.

Many fans have taken it upon themselves to diagnose the child on the basis of the combined two minutes of footage they’ve seen over the past two years.

These developmental psychology experts – who are willing to offer professional advice for free, bless their hearts – have decided that Spurgeon’s verbal expression abilities are not what they should be.

And the problem, they believe, is that like the other Duggar children, Spurgeon is sheltered and doesn’t spend enough time with children his own age.

On top of that, they say, he’s being babied by Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, and his progress is being delayed due to lack of mental stimulation.

The latest criticism comes as a result of a short video that Jessa posted on Instagram.

In the clip below, Spurgeon – who will turn 2 in November – is seen playing with a box of tissues and drinking from a sippy cup.

And apparently, that’s enough to drive some fans absolutely nuts.

“When r u gonna ween him off the bottle @jessaseewald!? U don’t him to bad teeth from being on the bottle to long? Usually kids r Weened off at 1?” wrote one commenter.

“Is he still drinking from a bottle?!” remarked another.

Fortunately, there were just as many fans who encouraged Jessa to ignore the haters.

“Why does it matter? She’s his mother and she will mother him as she sees fit,” one fan pointed out.

We know that mommy-shaming is the hot new trend these days, and folks have very conflicted views about the Duggars. but let’s leave the children out of it, eh?

Wait until they’re old enough to say problematic things before before you complain.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most complicated family.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Logan Brown and Michelle Petty: Eldest Sister Wives Son Engaged to Long-Time Girlfriend!

Kody Brown may be at risk of losing all four of his wives, but creepiness isn’t always passed down to your children.

Logan Brown, the eldest son of the Sister Wives family, has been in a relationship with Michelle Petty for years 

Now those two are taking things to the next level with a long-anticipated engagement!

Sister Wives is controversial for good reason.

Now, relationships involving multiple consenting partners isn’t a good reason for controversy.

Male-centered relationships where it’s just one man with multiple wives who have only one husband … that’s a little different.

And Kody Brown comes across as a creep.

Sister Wives from the outset was supposed to help normalize polygamy in the eyes of viewers.

There’s a decent change that it’s backfired, and the dislike that many viewers feel for Kody Brown may have reflected poorly upon people in healthy polyamorous relationships.

But nobody dislikes the kids on Sister Wives.

They didn’t sign up for any part of that. They were just born. And they’re good kids.

Which is why everyone is so excited that Logan and Michelle are taking this next step.

Logan took to Instagram to share this wonderful news.

“I did a thing…the best thing I have ever done. #engaged.”

Michelle tweeted out this photo with an engagement ring emoji and the words:

“Promoting him to fiance!”

That’s such wonderful news!

Fans and viewers don’t have to follow Logan or Michelle on social media to be familiar with Michelle or the two of them as a couple.

Michelle has appeared on Sister Wives many times.

Fans are familiar with her and with their relationship.

Those who follow either of them on Instagram and Twitter know them even better.

(Also, can we just say that Logan is way more buff than most people would assume!)

Unlike some relationships that crop up involving the children of non-traditional reality show families, Logan doesn’t seem to just be jumping into an engagement before he’s ready.

(Looking at you, Duggars)

Logan and Michelle have been dating for about three years.

They’ve discussed the idea of an engagement in the past, but had previously stated that they were going to wait until they had both finished with college, at least.

Well, guess what — Logan finished his bachelor’s degree in May of this year, and Michelle had already wrapped up her college education.

So it was time.

Logan Brown told TLC about his engagement.

And apparently his initial plans for the proposal had a few hiccups.

“Unfortunately nothing in my elaborate plan had successfully gone through.”

That is so often how things work out.

“So in desperation I found the prettiest view of the Colorado River, Congress Bridge. We walked out to the middle of the bridge and then I popped the question!”

Logan’s mother, Janelle Brown, tweeted her approval after Logan and Michelle made their engagement public.

“We are thrilled!”

We should note — because surely some people are wondering — that Logan does not plan to practice polygamy as his parents do.

In fact, all of the Brown family’s adult children are in agreement on that.
