Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jill Duggar: Pregnancy CONFIRMED By Eldest Son?!

We don’t need to tell you there are many strange things about life in the Duggar family.

Most of these eccentricities are the result of the family’s strict fundamentalist belief system.

But some of the customs and traditions that may cause the outside world to look askance at the Duggars seem to have nothing to do with the family’s religious views.

Take, for example, the family’s love of pickles.

If you’re a longtime fan, then you’re no doubt aware that the Duggars really, really love their brined cucumbers.

Like, to the extent that a child trying his first pickle is considered a milestone event to be documented and shared on social media.

Earlier this week, Jill Duggar’s eldest son, Israel, bit into his first Vlasic, but the momentous occasion was overshadowed by a comment he made in the video shot by his mother.

“We’re gonna have another baby,” Izzy tells Jill in the clip.

Jill responds with apparent confusion, saying, “Another baby? What?” but after that, both parties drop the subject.

Many fans think it was Jill’s way of coyly hinting that she’s indeed pregnant with her third child.

As is the case with all married females in the Duggar clan, rumors that Jill is pregnant circulate pretty much non-stop, but rarely they supported by such seemingly solid evidence.

Israel very much seems as though he’s repeating something he’s been told, and despite her best efforts, Jill’s incredulity routine isn’t terribly convincing.

And of course, the news would come as no surprise, as both Jill and her controversial husband, Derick Dillard, have gone on record as saying they’d like to have as many children as possible.

“Both of us want as many kids as God will give us and we’ve talked about adoption,” Jill said in an interview not long after her wedding.

“My parents have kept popping them out — so we’ll see how [our] fertility is!”

Thus far, it seems fertility is not an issue for Jill.

Finances, on the other hand, might be a very different story.

In November of 2017, Derick was fired from Counting On after launching a transphobic tirade at fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Shortly thereafter, Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving the family with no source of income.

In the months since, Jill has resumed working as a midwife, but the fact that she lacks the qualifications and accreditations will likely prevent her from turning much of a profit with her latest business venture.

For his part, Derick does not appear to have sought new employment at all.

So in all likelihood, Jill and Derick have another child on the way – but we hope they realize that means one of them will need to bite the bullet and get a full-time job.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
