Monday, September 18, 2017

Logan Brown and Michelle Petty: Eldest Sister Wives Son Engaged to Long-Time Girlfriend!

Kody Brown may be at risk of losing all four of his wives, but creepiness isn’t always passed down to your children.

Logan Brown, the eldest son of the Sister Wives family, has been in a relationship with Michelle Petty for years 

Now those two are taking things to the next level with a long-anticipated engagement!

Sister Wives is controversial for good reason.

Now, relationships involving multiple consenting partners isn’t a good reason for controversy.

Male-centered relationships where it’s just one man with multiple wives who have only one husband … that’s a little different.

And Kody Brown comes across as a creep.

Sister Wives from the outset was supposed to help normalize polygamy in the eyes of viewers.

There’s a decent change that it’s backfired, and the dislike that many viewers feel for Kody Brown may have reflected poorly upon people in healthy polyamorous relationships.

But nobody dislikes the kids on Sister Wives.

They didn’t sign up for any part of that. They were just born. And they’re good kids.

Which is why everyone is so excited that Logan and Michelle are taking this next step.

Logan took to Instagram to share this wonderful news.

“I did a thing…the best thing I have ever done. #engaged.”

Michelle tweeted out this photo with an engagement ring emoji and the words:

“Promoting him to fiance!”

That’s such wonderful news!

Fans and viewers don’t have to follow Logan or Michelle on social media to be familiar with Michelle or the two of them as a couple.

Michelle has appeared on Sister Wives many times.

Fans are familiar with her and with their relationship.

Those who follow either of them on Instagram and Twitter know them even better.

(Also, can we just say that Logan is way more buff than most people would assume!)

Unlike some relationships that crop up involving the children of non-traditional reality show families, Logan doesn’t seem to just be jumping into an engagement before he’s ready.

(Looking at you, Duggars)

Logan and Michelle have been dating for about three years.

They’ve discussed the idea of an engagement in the past, but had previously stated that they were going to wait until they had both finished with college, at least.

Well, guess what — Logan finished his bachelor’s degree in May of this year, and Michelle had already wrapped up her college education.

So it was time.

Logan Brown told TLC about his engagement.

And apparently his initial plans for the proposal had a few hiccups.

“Unfortunately nothing in my elaborate plan had successfully gone through.”

That is so often how things work out.

“So in desperation I found the prettiest view of the Colorado River, Congress Bridge. We walked out to the middle of the bridge and then I popped the question!”

Logan’s mother, Janelle Brown, tweeted her approval after Logan and Michelle made their engagement public.

“We are thrilled!”

We should note — because surely some people are wondering — that Logan does not plan to practice polygamy as his parents do.

In fact, all of the Brown family’s adult children are in agreement on that.
