Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian SLAMS Lamar Odom: Go Buy a Hooker!

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child, but it seems she’s not letting the challenges of caring for an infant interfere with her ability to defend her beloved sisters with top-notch trash talk.

As we reported earlier today, Lamar Odom gave a very candid interview to BET this week, and not surprisingly, the subject of Khloe Kardashian came up.

It was Lamar’s first interview since the world learned that Khloe is pregnant with her first child, and while Lamar offered words of support, he also slipped in some not-so-subtle jabs.

“I understand when it’s over, it’s over. When she was with her second or third NBA ball player, I could see that,” Lamar replied when asked about his breakup with Khloe.

Kim–presumably sleep deprived and obviously pissed-off–decided she was having none of Lamar’s pettiness and she quote-tweeted the article along with a mic drop-worthy diss:

“Or second or third brothel” Kim wrote in reference to Lamar’s love of prostitutes.

(Pro tip: When someone loves hookers, you can pretty much always use that against them.)

Kim Kardashian Lamar Odom Tweet

Now, Kim is being applauded for the savagery of her burn–and rightfully so–but we’re gonna have to be the nit-picking party-poopers for a moment and point out that it doesn’t totally make sense.

The tweet makes it sound as though Khloe was on her second or third brothel, when clearly she meant to say Lamar was the brothel aficionado.

We think.

Hey, maybe she’s throwing heavy shade at Khloe, and this story’s even better than we thought!

We kid.

Most people are obnoxious perfectionists like us, so predictably, Twitter immediately exploded with praise for Kim.

Kim was praised as the “Clapback Queen,” many fans made it weird by calling her Mom (a practice we had hoped would be left in 2017), and GIFs of Kim looking like she’d just ordered the beheading of a peasant were plentiful.

Even Kim’s friend Chrissy Teigen offered praise, tweeting:

“GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EM,” before clarifying, “Gaht*. Gaht too excited.”

Lamar has yet to respond to the tweet, which isn’t all that surprising.

After all, we assume he’s currently being treated a nearby burn unit.
