Friday, January 26, 2018

Briana DeJesus SLAMS Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin in Epic Twitter Rant!

At this point, it feels pretty safe to say that Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus are mortal enemies, right?

And what a blessing that is to all of our trashy Teen Mom-loving hearts.

Ever since Briana began dating Javi Marroquin, things have been super tense between these two ladies.

They’ve taken turns being unnecessarily catty towards each other, and it’s been greatly entertaining for us all.

But today, Briana went off on Kailyn and Javi on Twitter. Hard.

And it’s not so much entertaining as it is bizarre … and just a little bit embarrassing.

To give a quick bit of background, it seems like Briana is upset because of things that were said when Javi went on Kailyn’s podcast earlier this week.

Which is odd, because while they did mention Briana, it’s not like they trashed her or anything.

Javi actually defended her, saying that she’s a good person and that she’s different than she seems on the show.

Kailyn didn’t even go too hard on her — she just explained that they’d never get along because some of the things she’s said to her in the past, and because she was disrespectful to her.

But still, Briana got pretty heated about the whole thing. Heated enough to make approximately a billion tweets about the matter.

“Since I have some downtime from actually working…let me spill some tea for you guys,” she began.

“I will never ever come out my face just because…I will never come out of character just because…… so let’s get that out of the way…”

She then explained that “Once I am provoked you have given me all rights to get out of character.”

And apparently Kailyn has given her those rights.

“Now once I get out of character and you can’t seem to handle the lash…. dont act like the victim because you were the one who made the issue what it is. I am not the one.”

She didn’t direct all of this at Kailyn, but come on, we all know who’s she talking about here. It’s not exactly a mystery.

“I’ll say suck my dick whenever I want to whoever I want and if you can not handle it ….. Don’t provoke me,” she continued — remember, Kailyn complained during the podcast that Briana had instructed her to do so.

“Don’t sit 15 feet away from me and talk sh-t indirectly cause I’ll approach u just like I did and do go crying in ur dressing room cause u couldn’t handle my mouth,” Briana wrote.

About Javi, she said “Don’t allow someone to disrespect me and think its all gravy mother of ur child or not.”

“I am not the common denominator as to why yall fail to co parent so dont ever use my name in that matter again.”

“And you are right,” she added, “I’ll never say sorry cause I am not the one who started all this mess.”

“You use ur kids as pawns and that is not my fault but ur own selfish reasoning’s.”

That’s a lot to unpack, right?

But Briana isn’t even close to being done yet.

She claimed that “strings were never cut” between Kailyn and Javi, “and once she felt like she couldn’t control him any longer she used me as the problem and I am not the problem.”

“Don’t ever tell me im being shady when u ran to ur ex as soon as u had an opportunity for urself. Learn how to be alone for once,” she wrote, obviously towards Kailyn.

“Don’t send me emails and voicemails saying sorry cause I don’t care for that f-ck sh-t. I am always brought up into a convo and I just don’t understand why cause I don’t talk to anyone about u.’

She then advised Kail to “Keep that same energy that u have cause we are bound to see each other again and don’t send ur friend into my dressing room again tryna pop off……”

Hilariously, Jenelle Evans responded to the first part of that tweet, saying “I’ll be right behind u. #BestBelieve.”

At least now we know that the next Teen Mom 2 reunion show is going to be incredible, huh?

Meanwhile, back on Briana’s Twitter — there are seriously just so, so many tweets — she accused Javi of being fake because he was being wishy-washy about her on Kailyn’s podcast while telling her in texts that he wants to marry her.

Let’s see … she also wrote “U hop on another mans dick but still dont wanna let go of the old one…. u cant have ur cake and eat it to.”

She said that she and Kailyn were never really friends, that she used to text her but when she started talking to Javi, Kailyn changed her mind about her, which seems fair?

She also adorably wrote that “I look like the crazy one now but just remember I tried to keep it off social media.”

“I can go on forever” — and she very nearly did — “but I guess we will see when that Reunion time comes up and dont walk away like last time.”


“Attention seeking ass people lol,” she finished, apparently without irony. “I am done.”

And after that, she deleted her entire Twitter account.

What a wild right Briana took us on today … but unfortunately, she was correct in one of her many, many tweets.

She does look like the crazy one.
