Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Pregnant With First Child!

The wait is finally over, Duggar Nation.

After more than a year of marriage, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are starting this new year off on the best possible note:

With a new addition! She’s pregnant!

Unlike the previous 250 times it’s been reported that Jinger Duggar is pregnant since she got hitched in 2016, it’s the real deal this time. 

This is not a drill. See image above.

The 24-year-old Counting On star is pregnant for real, she tells Us Weekly, gushing to the celebrity news magazine about it in a statement.

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo write:

“The past 14 months have been the best of our lives as we have had the wonderful privilege of beginning our journey through life together in marriage.”

“We both looked forward to the joys of marriage but neither one of us fully understood just how amazing the start of this journey would be.”

Jinger and Jeremy then praised the Lord above:

“Truly, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning! Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: We are expecting our first child!”

The duo says: “We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.”

The couple also shared Psalm 139:13-14. 

That verse from the Bible reads: “13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

“14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

For Jinger, sixth eldest of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s 19 kids, this marks a holiday blessing more than a year in the making.

Granted, for most newlywed couples, waiting a year to have a baby is far from abnormal; Duggar families move faster, however.

Jill and Jessa Duggar both got pregnant very quickly after getting married, as did Joseph Duggar’s new wife Kendra Caldwell.

Most notably, Joy-Anna conceived pretty much the day she tied the knot (unless you believe the shotgun wedding rumors).

But debating whether or not Joy-Anna is lying about her due date is a discussion for another time. Today is all about Jinger.

A longtime fan favorite for her (relative) rebellious streak, Jinger’s plan to expand her family has been a popular topic among the community.

It’s a journey she and her pastor husband, 30, have been eager to embark on since their engagement, even if it took longer than expected.

“I love kids,” the former professional soccer player said two years ago, adding that, “I really share Jinger’s love for children.”

“I definitely want to have children, but we’re not sure how many,” he explained. “We’ll have to see what the Lord provides.” 

Jinger, who calls Jeremy an “answer to my prayers,” never really addressed the pregnancy speculation of 2017, one way or another.

While fans wondered non-stop about what Jim Bob would do if he learned about Jinger Duggar on birth control, she just did her thing.

Often times, that flew in the face of convention.

She moved to Texas, she traveled, she wore pants, shorts and other garments you don’t associate with Duggars, and she lived life.

We may never know the reasons it took her so long to get pregnant, or if there was any real reason at all. Maybe it just, y’know, happened.

What we do know is that she’s over the moon, and that she’ll be a terrific mother and a strong woman who charts her own path in life.

It’s no wonder she’s one of our favorites.
