Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Amber Portwood: Screw Everyone, I"m a GREAT Mother!

Amber Portwood has never been one to bite her tongue, that’s for sure.

To be clear, she’s always ready to throw down if she feels she’s been wronged in any way at all.

Remember that legendary Teen Mom OG reunion show, the one where she threw a punch at Farrah because she agreed with Simon Saran that Matt Baier “looked like a pedophile”?

If she’s willing to get violent on national television over some nonsense like that — and she definitely always is — then there’s really no telling what could set her off.

But currently, insults about her parenting skills have really been getting her going.

Maybe it’s because she’s expecting her second child, maybe it’s because she’s off her meds for her mental illnesses, but she’s been particularly sensitive about the subject lately.

In a recent episode of Teen Mom OG, she said that she hadn’t seen her daughter, Leah, “in I don’t know how f-cking long because I’m so afraid of her to see me. I have to be in a good state in order to be around her.”

She said that she was too depressed to see Leah, but in another scene, Kristina (Gary Shirley’s wife and Leah’s amazing stepmother) revealed that Leah had only seen her mom twice during her entire summer vacation.

Amber got bashed so hard for that that she felt the need to address the matter on Twitter, where she wrote that she was “sick and tired” of the criticism.

She blamed her breakup with Matt, explaining that “People go through horrible times when they split and I’m no exception! I was depressed and horribly sad so I did the best thing and made sure my daughter was protected!”

“To shame a mother for keeping a child happy and safe from there own depression is disturbing!” she added.

“And to think I have to explain myself for a horrible point in life is even more degrading!”

The drama died down, as it always does, but it heated up again last week when, after watching the new episode, Amber tweeted that she’s “been through hell” by being on the show.

“MTV has turned my pregnancy and this relationship into a joke in one of the happiest time of my life,” she complained. “Apparently my life is just for people to tell me how horrible I am as a mother because I went through depression!”

It’s weird, because it seems like she’s using “depression” and “single” interchangeably, right?

We have no doubt that she was depressed, but she still managed to find herself a new boyfriend. And as we saw in last night’s episode, she stopped taking her meds (including her birth control) because she was happy with Andrew.

And that’s the story of how she got pregnant with a guy she knew for approximately two seconds.

Look, it’s a whole lot to unpack, but the gist of it all is that Amber isn’t terribly active in Leah’s life, but she’s having another baby with a practical stranger anyway, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a great idea.

That’s where this ridiculous new story comes in.

Amber shared a sneak peek over the weekend that showed her announcing her pregnancy to MTV crew members, and one of her followers responded with this gem:

“So are we going to ignore the fact that she just broke up with Matt and now with Father Time and moved him in and…. now pregnant?”

It’s a solid question, and we’re definitely behind the “Father Time” nickname for Andrew.

But surprisingly, Amber didn’t appreciate it.

“I broke up with Matt May 14 lol,” she replied. “He just didn’t move out until after boot camp.”

“Honestly you guys comment on sh-t and dont even understand how tv works. Everything your watching is almost 6 months behind real life. Keep watching.”

Well, that’s not really the issue here — everyone understands that the show doesn’t air immediately after the footage is filmed.

The issue is that people know how time works, and they see the things she posts on social media, so it’s not hard to figure out the timeline here.

And the fact is that Amber did get pregnant remarkably fast after dumping Matt and getting with Andrew.

Another of her followers advised her to get out of the reality television gig if she didn’t want the criticism, but someone else argued that she couldn’t quit because “then she won’t be able to sleep all day and find men.”

“Leah said mommy is always sleeping or in the bed,” this sassy tweeter continued. “I guess with a new baby she might have to be active.”

That was more than enough to set Amber off.

“You are gross honey,” she wrote. “Don’t talk about me like some amateur sweety I’ve been doing this for 10 years and have saved more lives then any of you sh-t talkers.”


“That’s all that matters,” she added. “My baby was commenting on me being depressed. Go be gross and ugly somewhere else. My life is great.”

Is it though, girl? Is it really?
