Friday, January 12, 2018

Rob Lowes CRUSHES Bella Thorne Over Insensitive Mudslide Tweet

Rob Lowe tried to teach Bella Thorne a valuable lesson via social media on Thursday.

And the lesson was this:

Holy Hell, you spoiled woman! Do you not realize the world doesn’t revolve around you and that there are things more important going on than the state of your relationship?!?


More or less, that is.

The unexpected feud between actor and actress centered on Thorne’s response to the ongoing mudslides in Montecito, California.

This tragic incident has claimed the lives of at least 17 people… others are missing … and countless more are without homes.

It’s a horribly sad development.

In the wake of this terrible news, Thorne Tweeted on January 10 that she was pissed because a road was closed and this ruined her plans for the evening.

“F-ck u 101 to santa barbra. I’m missing my boyfriends first date on his tour,” Tweeted Thorne, referring to the new man in her life, some musician named Mod Sun.

Check out the questionable/ridiculous/insanely insensitive message below:

thorne tweet

The Tweet drew the ire of many Internet users who called Thorne out for what would have to be called ignorance at best – and complete self-centeredness at worst.

“I’m so sorry that you’ve been inconvenienced by the 17 people that have lost their lives. This must be tough for you,” wrote one sarcastic critic.

Added another resident:

“Santa Barbra apologizes for the inconvenience, next time we’ll plan our natural disasters according to your social schedule.”

slamming bella

The response that has received the most attention, however, came from the Instagram account of Lowe.

A veteran star of The West Wing, Parks and Recreation and The Grinder, Lowe was not having any of Thorne’s narcissistic bull crap.

Quoting her Tweet on his social media page, Lowe held Thorne up as an example of why celebrities are considered so out of touch.

“This attitude is why people hate celebrities/Hollywood,” wrote Rob, a Montecito resident, alongside a screenshot of Bella’s tweet.

He added:

“Bella, I’m sorry you were inconvenienced. We will try to move out our dead quicker.”

A day earlier, Lowe had updated fans on the dire situation, saying:

“Mourning the dead in our little town tonight. Praying for the survivors and preparing for whatever may come. #Montecito.”

Thorne did eventually learn the reason for the road closure that set her off, Tweeting later in the night:

“F-ck just caught up on some news, had no idea why the 101 was shut down… get home to your family safe.”

This is better than if Bella knew exactly why the road was closed and still acted all pissed off, we presume.

BT tweet

But the mudslides have been a prominent topic for days.

Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres even FaceTimed about the fatalities on the latter’s talk show this week.

“This is how deep the mud is,” said Oprah, sharing a video of the damage and adding:

“And the house in back is gone. What a day! Praying for our community again in Santa Barbara.”

So even if Thorne really was unaware of the issue at the center of all this, it barely absolves her.

It just shows how wrapped up she is in her own universe, as compared to what has been taking place right outside her doorstep.
