Thursday, January 4, 2018

Amber Portwood Reveals Baby Name on Twitter!

Back in November, we learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber revealed that she’s expecting a boy, but other than that, she’s been mostly tight-lipped about the pregnancy.

Given some of the negative reactions to Amber’s recent social media posts, we suppose we can’t blame her.

After all, it was just earlier this week that Amber was slammed for posting an “inappropriate” photo of her daughter.

There was nothing provocative about the pic, but the girl was apparently positioned too close to Amber’s boyfriend for some fans’ liking.

It’s a jungle out there, and Portwood’s plight isn’t made any easier by the fact that her new dude, Andrew Glennon, has a seriously sketchy past.

The point is, we can see why Amber isn’t big on sharing the details of her personal life these days.

Unfortunately for her, the life of a reality star doesn’t allow for much in the way of privacy.

Amber’s every social media interaction is scrutinized by millions of fans, and it looks as though Teen Mom: OG obsessives have unearthed some information that Amber may have preferred to keep private.

The intel comes courtesy of a Twitter conversation between Amber and her brother Shawn.

Shawn posted an obscured photo of Amber’s homemade Christmas present without revealing what it was.

Along with the image, he posted this message:

“I finally completed your gift. However, I’m not going to show it to you so you’ll see it tomorrow. I will send you this though.”

“Awe Bubby I can’t wait!! I’m sure little James will love it!” Portwood replied.

Yes, it seems Amber and Andrew will be naming their baby James.

The moniker was reportedly selected due to the fact that it’s also Glennon’s middle name.

Amber has yet to delete the tweet, but we can’t imagine she intended to make the reveal in such a low-key fashion.

Whatever the case, the name is out there now, and fans have been vocal in their praise for Amber’s classic selection.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the many, many times that Ms. Portwood did not make the right decision.
