Friday, March 23, 2018

Cardi B Rants at Uncle Sam: Where the F-ck is My Money?

Pssst, U.S. Government:

Inch up close to the computer screen please.

Cardi B has a very simple question for you, one she poses over and over and over again in the Instagram video below:


The musician is apparently upset because it"s tax season and she"s coming off the most successful year of her career and, therefore, is facing quite a large tax bill.

Around 40 percent, Cardi says in this footage.

Which means she"s in the upper echelon of money-makers in the entire country, but which also means Uncle Sam is owed a pretty penny or several dozen.

"I want to know what you do with my f-cking tax money because, you know what I’m saying like, when you donate to a kid from a foreign country, they give you updates of what they’re doing in another nation," the singer says.

She then runs down a bunch of ways in which she knows this money is NOT being spent.

For example, the streets of her native New York are "always dirty," Cardi B says, and "there"s still rats on the damn trains."

She also called out the government for the amount of funding they allocate towards prisons, alleging the money gives inmates "like two underwears [and] one jumpsuit for, like, five months."

So, Cardi asks once more:

Where the eff is her money going?!?!?!?

"What is y"all doing with my f-cking money?" she asks. "I want to know. I want receipts. I want everything."

The artist, who may be pregnant with her first child, also touched on the whole tax issue late last year.

At that time, she posted another video in which she asked fans to hold off on sending her any checks, arguing that "mother fc-king IRS" was "coming for me for tax season."

This time around, she concludes by screaming:

I want to know what ya’ll ni–as doing with my f–king money… Uncle Sam, I want to know what the f-ck you’re doing with my mother f-cking money.

Well, Sam, go ahead: Answer the woman!

Check out this already-legendary video below;=:

Cardi b rants at uncle sam where the f ck is my tax money going