Friday, March 23, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Roots of PTSD Finally Revealed?

In the past two years, Catelynn Lowell has checked into rehab three times.

While her journey toward greater emotional stability and mental health certainly hasn’t been an easy one, it’s yielded trendous results, making Lowell both a more fulfilled person and a spokesperson for those battling mental illness.

Earlier this week, Lowell revealed that she’s been diagnosed with PTSD.

“It’s panic disorder, PTSD – I like to call myself a trauma survivor – and it’s depression, but it’s co-occurring depression or something like that,” Lowell revealed in a candid interview.

“It will go away and it will come back with the panic disorder.”

Catelynn didn’t go into detail regarding the roots of her trauma, but in the past, she’s spoken at length about her difficult childhood.

Lowell’s father, David, helped shed new light on her painful past this week in a revealing interview with Radar Online:

“I don’t do drugs or drink so mostly it was when we had to move for my job when she was 12,” David told the site about the painful period during which he and his daughter were separated by distance.

“Kids don’t realize that parents have to do whatever it takes to pay support and insurance for their children, even if it means moving to do so.”

David added that his children were always taken care of financially, but said they may not have always received the emotional support they needed: 

“I was never a deadbeat dad. One thing I’ve always done is take care of my kids,” he claimed.

“That we both had a hard time dealing with. But we called frequently.”

David went on to reveal that he suspects Catelynn’s mother didn’t always provide a stable home life:

“What her mother did with the money – many different boyfriends and moving all the time – I couldn’t say

 As for how Catelynn is faring following her latest rehab stint, David his daughter is in a “wonderful” state of mind.

“She’s doing her aftercare like a champ,” he tells Radar.

“I did go with her to a holistic approach therapist. I believe this is the first time she’s tried it. It involves breathing techniques, aromatics, and of course, talking.”

Closing on a hopeful night, David adds:

“I think she’s won the battle, but staying humble about it. It’s a lifelong affliction.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more of Catelynn’s courageous struggle.
