Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham Settles Lawsuit Against Viacom; Did She Win?!

In late 2017, Farrah Abraham was fired from MTV. It was a mess. And Farrah claims that she was slut-shamed over her sex work.

Farrah blasted her former employers for what she called “hate crimes.”

This week, that lawsuit has already been settled, somehow. What’s more, everyone’s coming away happy. How?

Following Farrah Abraham’s very complicated firing from MTV’s Teen Mom OG, she didn’t exactly take it lying down.

(Pun not intended)

She put MTV and its parent company on blast, saying that she had been sex-shamed for her sex work.

In February, Farrah sued Viacom (MTV’s parent company; Viacom probably owns like a third of the visual media that you consume).

She alleged that Viacom had engaged in discrimination based upon gender over her sex work.

She was asking for $ 5 million.

Lawsuits like this can so often drag on for months or even years, if they aren’t dismissed.

Which is why this week’s development is a little shocking.

Variety reports that Farrah’s attorney filed a notice on Tuesday that the case has been settled.

Not just settled, but settled amicably.

Terms of the settlement have not been disclosed.

Considering that, just months ago, Farrah was putting Viacom on blast for committing “hate crimes” against her, this is a bit of a surprise.

(Note: generally speaking, a hate crime has to be committed against a minority group and it also has to be, you know, a crime)

Farrah, as you may recall, was confronted in her home by a Teen Mom producer, Morgan J Freeman, about her CamSoda livestreamed sex shows. He gave her an ultimatum — to stop doing these shows, or to be fired.

While people can debate the idea of a producer giving a reality star a hard time over her sex work all day, Farrah says that this producer’s confrontational tone was so aggressive that she feared for her safety.

Freeman did not actually have the authority to give that ultimatum.

He also brought up that Farrah is allegedly “difficult” to work with for some producers … which does not really require any stretch of the imagination to accept.

The way that Farrah and Teen Mom OG split seems irreconcilable, and not because of any of the producers.

Farrah immediately launched into angry rants on social media and in interviews.

Her sentences are rarely coherent — which some may believe lends credence to the accusation that Farrah is suffering from multiple mental illnesses — but her ire against Teen Mom OG was obvious.

Right now, her attorney says that the settlement reached was amicable.

We have to wonder if Farrah is as happy with whatever secret resolution they reached as we’re lead to believe.

Knowing Farrah, she won’t keep her feelings bottled up for long.

An amicable agreement — reached so quickly — could mean a number of things.

Perhaps Viacom decided to throw money at Farrah to make her go away. Maybe not the full $ 5 million that she was after, but some amount.

Alternatively, perhaps Viacom found another way to make Farrah happy.

They’re a huge media company, and Farrah definitely appeals to viewers — some genuinely like her, while others can’t stop watching out of fascination, like with those viral pimple-popping videos.

It’s also possible that the “amicable” resolution was just that Farrah’s attorneys convinced her that she was never going to win. We don’t know.

But it’s probably just a matter of time until we all find out.
