Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Zayn Malik & Gigi Hadid: It"s Over

It’s been two years since we first learned that Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid were dating.

At the time, they seemed like a match made in heaven – both were young, stylish, and seemed to spend an awful lot of time on their hair.

Alas, it seems the immaculately-coiffed couple was simply not meant to be.

Several sources have confirmed today that Zayn and Gigi have officially called it quits.

The internet’s “stan culture” is presumably divided between despondent declarations that “love is dead” and giddy glee over the fact that Zayn is back on the market.

“Sadly Zayn and Gigi have separated,” a source confirmed to London’s The Sun today.

“They have crazy work schedules that would put pressure on any relationship.”

Yes, it’s the old “hectic schedules” excuse.

In keeping with the tradition of boilerplate breakup announcements, the insider went on to maintain that Zayn and Gigi are totally still friends.

“They are no longer a couple but they do remain close and are supportive of each other,” the source added.

“The reality is that they’ve grown apart, having been together for a long time.”

Fans began to suspect something was amiss when both parties failed to acknowledge Valentine’s Day on social media.

Today, the couple’s most obsessive followers noticed that they’ve unfollowed one another on Instagram.

“This is definitely the end for now, but this isn’t a bitter split and they both have respect for each other,” concluded the insider.

“It’s a mutual decision so no one has completely ruled out a reunion in the future, but for now that’s not where their heads are at.”

Neither party has spoken about the breakup publicly, but Zayn did seem to acknowledge that he’s going through a tough time this morning, writing on Instagram:

“When Life throws you lemons, catch em so they don’t hit you in the fu-king face.”

Sigh. Oh, well.

At least fans will always have Zayn and Gigi’s music video. As well as their problematic Vogue cover.
